Page 22 - FCA Diamond Point June 24
P. 22


           “He was all about Soldiers and teaching and imparting what he knew,” he said. “I was a sergeant in
           charge of the control section at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, and one of the things he told me
           is if you are going to be a leader, that means you are going to have to make some sacrifices.
           “And he said, ‘you don’t ever think about yourself; you always think about the Soldiers entrusted
           to you,’” he continued. “He said, ‘I can guarantee you that if you take care of those guys, the
           leaders, your bosses are going to take care of you, but if all you do is go out there and think about
           yourself, we really don’t need you in the military, especially the Finance Corps.’”

           That was a lesson Morrissette put into practice, and in honor of his leadership and dedication born
           from that lesson, the Army FCS established the Paul L. Morrissette Leadership Award in July 2016.
           The award is presented to outstanding enlisted graduates of the Financial Management Senior
           Leadership Course who demonstrate exemplary leadership, professionalism and selfless service,
           reflecting Morrissette's enduring legacy within the Finance Corps.

           Concluding the ceremony and his remarks, Morrissette once again thanked everyone for allowing
           him to serve the Army and the Finance Corps for more than four decades.

           “Helen Keller said it best when she said, ‘alone we can do so little; together we can do so much,’
           and I think that over the last 40-something years that we have done some amazing things in the
           finance world,” he concluded. “I am grateful that you all allowed me to be a part of this great

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