Page 3 - FCA Diamond Point June 24
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          Finance and Comptroller Team,

          It has been a profound honor and source of inspiration to serve as the 42nd
          Chief of the Finance Corps and Commandant of the Finance and Comptroller

          Throughout the brief span of the past ten months, our dedication has remained
          unwavering as we tirelessly pursued our aim of nurturing adaptive and agile
          professionals primed for success in expansive combat operations. Our steadfast
          commitment to excellence has remained resolute, bolstering our fundamental
          capabilities as we forge ahead into the future. We have not only sustained but           COL Williams
          have enhanced upon those things which have given us an edge in this effort. Our initial military
          training and professional education courses have provided a solid foundation, ensuring that our
          Sustainment Community remains at the forefront of physical, cognitive, and tactical preparedness.
          Through our partnership with the University of South Carolina and our innovative financial data
          analytics program, we have set the highest standards, serving as a model for other branches.

          This past year, we implemented changes to align with the Army's force design update, positioning
          the Finance Corps to support the Army's vision for 2030 and beyond. While challenges lie ahead,
          we must work together diligently to ensure a seamless transition. As USAFMCOM coordinates
          changes to our units, the FCS focuses on updating institutional products to support operational
          efforts. We have made significant strides, finalizing FM 4-80, Finance and Comptroller Operations,
          (expected to be published in October) and updating training products within the institutional
          domain. Though these tasks have been challenging, I am very excited for our Corps and its future
          in supporting our modern Army.

          The strength of our Corps is evident in the remarkable achievements of our FC Warriors across the
          Army. It is the unwavering dedication and professionalism of our Soldiers and Civilians that make
          the Finance Corps a formidable team.

          As we embark on this journey with resolve and determination, let us remain confident in our ability
          to adapt, evolve, and thrive in the dynamic landscape of modern warfare. The future of the Finance
          Corps is bright, and I am honored to have played a part in shaping its enduring legacy of service to
          the nation.

          COL Rob Le’iato, as you prepare to assume leadership in July, know that the schoolhouse eagerly
          anticipates your arrival. Together, let us continue the positive momentum and drive change to
          develop our future leaders.

          42  Commandant Signing off!

                                                  To Support and Serve,

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