Page 44 - Chat del Gobernador de PR Ricardo Rosello (Telegram)
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Evenwith all he accomplishedin serviceto our Nation, President Bushremainedhumble. He never believedthat government-- even when under his own leadership-- could be the sourceof our Nation'sstrength or its greatness. America,he rightly told us, is illuminated by "a thousand points of light," "ethnic, religious, social,business,labor union, neighborhood,regionaland other organizations,all of them varied, voluntary and unique" in which AmericansserveAmericansto build and maintainthe greatest NationonthefaceoftheEarth. PresidentBushrecognizedthat these communitiesof peopleare the true sourceof America's strength and vitality.
It is with great sadnessthat we mark the passingof one of America'sgreatest points of light, the death of PresidentGeorge H.W. Bush.
NOW,THEREFOREI, DONALDJ. TRUMP,Presidentof the United Statesof America,by the authority vested in me by the Constitutionandthe lawsof the UnitedStates,in honorand tribute to the memoryof PresidentGeorgeH.W. Bush,and as an expressionof public sorrow, do hereby direct that the flag of the United States be displayedat half-staff at the White Houseand on all public buildingsand grounds,at all military postsand naval stations,and on all navalvesselsof the FederalGovernmentin the District of Columbiaand throughout the United Statesand its Territoriesand possessionsfor a periodof 30 daysfrom the day of his death. I also direct that, for the same length of time, the representativesof the UnitedStatesin foreign countriesshall makesimilararrangementsfor the displayof the flag at half-staff over their embassies,legations,consularoffices, and other facilitiesabroad,includingall militaryfacilitiesand navalvessels and stations.
I herebyorder that suitablehonorsbe renderedby units of the ArmedForcesunderordersof the Secretaryof Defense.
I do further appoint December5, 2018, as a National Day of Mourningthroughout the United States. I call on the American peopleto assembleon that day in their respectiveplacesof worship,there to pay homageto the memoryof PresidentGeorge H.W. Bush.
Iinvitethepeopleoftheworldwhoshareourgrieftojoinusin this solemnobservance.
IN WITNESSWHEREOFI, havehereuntoset my handthis first day of December,in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen,and of the Independenceof the UnitedStatesof Americathe two hundredand forty-third.
5:05:43 PM

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