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Q    !Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

                                                                 The  answer  is,  ‘as  long  as  human  is  involved,
      Assuring  DevOps                                           variations  and  contexts  involved,  activities  and
                                                                 outcomes  involved,  there  is  a  role  for  Quality
      Delivers Well!                                             Analyst to perform constructively,’

                                                                 DevOps Focus

      DevOps Excitement                                          DevOps  implementation  in  Engagements  has

                                                                 several  key  driving  factors.  However,  few  of  the
                                                                 important drivers are,

                                                                         Automation & Environment

                                                                 In this article, we will focus on the role of Quality
                                                                 Analyst  in  a  DevOps  engagement.  The  journey
                                                                 starts  either  from  scratch  or  transformation  from

      The  moment  the  name  DevOps  we  here,  there  is       an existing delivery model. The Quality Analyst can
      an  excitement  in  our  minds,  and  we  are  certain     play  an  important  role  in  Transformation  and  in
      another personal certi cation getting added in our         run  mode  of  the  DevOps  engagements.  Often,
      career.  After  overcoming  the  initial  days  of         engagements  go  for  DevOps,  because  it's  sold
      excitement,  I  started  to  learn  DevOps  in  the  way   futuristically to client stating DevOps is the future
      they  teach  to  the  dev  &  ops  team.  Within  a  few   and  we  have  it  for  you  now.  With  the  reality  of
      hours  it  pushed  me  into  the  land  of  codes  and     delivery, they are not sure why we need DevOps.
      mountains of tools and plug-ins.
                                                                 How    many     times   continuous     delivery   or
      Automation and lots of automation and code move            continuous deployment done in a week and do we
      from  one  state  to  another  state  based  on            really need it, is a question arises at a later stage.
      validation conditions met and  nally it reaches to         Next  comes  culture,  where  the  team  is  not  ready
      staging  or  production  environment.  This  is  it,       for  shorter  cycles  and  never  worked  using
      Automating  the  pipeline  of  development  and            collaborative and automated tools, then there are
      release  cycle  to  the  production  environment  with     challenges on the rise. The simpler way is to make
      many  tools,  so  no  one  manually  intervenes  or        them  use  to  Agile  Scrum  kinds  of  short  cycles
      delays  the   ow.  When  I  understood  this  way,  the    where requirements collection to releases they get
       rst reaction is the role of a quality analyst? Does       used to. Automation is the next driver which often
      this  mean  we  are  losing  our  jobs  with  DevOps?      people  misunderstand  that  once  automated,  the
      What  can  I  contribute  in  the  world  of  automation   pipeline will remain the same.
      and tool pipelines? There were many questions.

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