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Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

                                                                 Quality  Assurance  in  a  project  to  have  a  clear
      Quality is                                                 focus  to  enable  the  project  team  to  succeed  in
                                                                 their work. Let the delivery model be any there can
      Retaining Clients                                          be  two  ways  in  which  we  can  look  at  quality
                                                                 assurance,  a)  circle  of  risk  and  b)  circle  of
                                                                 improvement.  Often  we  believe  the  project  is
                                                                 stable, so assurance team has nothing to do or the
      Business                   Value               of          project  is  in   re   ghting  so  they  don’t  want

      Quality                                                    assurance  person  to  visit  them.  Both  scenarios
                                                                 show  how  missed  the  chance  to  in uence  and
                                                                 deliver better. Most assurance teams get confused
      The  contractual  terms  and  delivery  models  have       in setting up a clear focus and how to build on to
      drastically changed with technology upgrades. The          it.
      challenges  faced  by  Quality  Assurance  few  years
      before  is  no  longer  seems  to  be  critical.  The      To  make  the  case  simple,  we  will  assume  the
      involvement  of  the  client  in  delivery  has  brought   clients  give  us  3  or  5  year  contract  of  digitizing
      in  better  functionality  delivery  and  control  over    their application portfolio and mange the existing
      milestones.    Quality    Assurance     in    many         Infra  and  applications.  The  focus  for  the
      organizations  focused  as  multi-point  weighted          assurance  team  should  be  progressive  quality
      activity,  where  we  try  to  cover  each  and            assurance  to  enable  the  project  to  develop
                                                                 abilities  and  perform  to  the  context  and  build
                                                                 maturity. The result would be obvious; the project
      However,  the  critical  focus  areas  have  loosened      shall  be  able  to  renew  the  contract  successfully
      up,  as  the  defect  or  schedule  slippage  is  not  the  with the client irrespective of market competition.
      concern,  but  few  others  are.  So,  we  have  Quality   The  progressive  journey  of  assurance  is  not  an
      Assurance  which  has  no  focus,  but  delivers           accident, but a strategy to build focus and abilities
      compliance score. In some places, it  is  a  just  task    to perform in the next level.
      by  task  observations  and  misses  the  point.  So
      where  is  the  Business  Value  Addition  from            The  Assurance  roadmap  shall  enable  stabilizing
      Quality?  Can  quality  assurance  have  a  critical       the  account  and  converting  the  account  to
      focus  and  show  how  it's  important?  We  will          capable.  From  there  lead  towards  contract
      discuss here.

      Strategizing  Focus  in                                    In  the  progress  of  unstable  account  to  stable

      Project                                                    account,  the  application  of  “Circle  of  Risk”  as  a
                                                                 focus  is  critical  to  address  the  challenges  and
                                                                 make  compliant  and  productive  outcomes.  In  the
                                                                 progress of Stable account to Capable account, the
                                                                 application of “Circle of Improvement” is critical to
                                                                 address    the   opportunities    and   excel   the

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