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A Little About Us

        The Bahamas Feeding Network began in 2013 as           80 of which are in New Providence, the island with
        an organisation of 54 partners that united with one    the highest concentration of poverty. To date, the
        mission, to feed the less fortunate.  It has now grown   programme has contributed more than $450,000,
        to a network of 120 partners across The Bahamas,       in addition to food donations, to its partners.

          Board of


                                     Ambassador Frank Crothers   Felix Stubbs               Philip Smith
                                     Founder                     Chairman                   Executive Director

         Peter Whitehead             Elaine Pinder               Dr. Timothy Stuart         Patricia Hermanns

         Sean Moree                  Lester Ferguson             Shayne Davis               Robyn Symonette

         Major Clarence Ingram       Tony Myers

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