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A Special Thanks to our Supporters

        The Bahamas Feeding Network has been fighting to eradicate the sting of hunger in The Bahamas
        for nearly four years. Though an ambitious undertaking, we envision a Bahamas where a hot meal
        is an attainable resource rather than a privilege for all Bahamians. We extend immense gratitude to

        our donors and volunteers for their contributions of financial donations, food resources or time.
        Thank you!

        Single Mother’s Get Relief Thanks to AML Limited &

        Bank of The Bahamas

        For single moms with little or no support and young    food and we want to demonstrate today that we hear
        ones to feed, relief came thanks to support from AML   our people and we see our people, along with the ability
        Foods Limited and Bank of The Bahamas.                 to respond to their physical needs.”

        The women – each personally selected as deserving by   “Words cannot explain how difficult it has been at times
        their churches or community leaders – were gifted with   but I thank God for being there with me through it all.
        vouchers for staples, produce and foodstuffs and told   I am desperately in need of a home. Right now I’m
        to go on a shopping spree for the healthiest foods they   living in Bain Town and before I came here I had to put
        could find to help make hunger a memory.               some buckets down to catch the water leaking in my
                                                               home. It’s been so rough but I thank God though it all,”
        “We are giving these coupons to the moms who           Ms. Linden said.
        have so many responsibilities and far too often, too
        little support, but while the coupons are going to the   “We at AML Foods Limited feel strongly about hunger
        mothers, we know that the end result will be fewer     prevention and healthy living,” said Renea Bastian, Vice
        children going to bed hungry over the next several     President of Marketing & Communications of AML. “As
        weeks,” said Smith. “It is for them that BFN, BOB and   a company we want to help to ensure that more people
        AML came together to support this important initiative.”  have access to the foods they need. We envision a day
                                                               when no individual has to wonder where his or her next
        “BOB is a community bank.” said Byron Miller, Manager   meal will come.
        of Sales, Bank of The Bahamas. ”We are made up of
        virtually every Bahamian family and the realities that
        confront our people today include of lack of funding for  Ask us how you can donate!

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