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Kerry Wong, Director of Operations at KFC Nassau presents   Christine King, General Manager at The Paint Place
          a cheque to Philip Smith, Executive Director, BFN and    presents Philip Smith, Executive Director Bahamas Feeding
          Felix Stubbs, Chairman, BFN.                           Network with a donation.

          Sean Moree, Bahamas Feeding Network Director (left)    Brenda Dean, Group Financial Controller AML Foods Ltd,
          along with Philip Smith, Executive Director, Bahamas   presents a generous donation to Philip Smith, Executive
          Feeding Network receive a donation from Angela Moree,   Director of the Bahamas Feeding Network.
          Chairwoman Women’s Corona Society of The Bahamas.

        CFAL volunteers help distribute meals                  A team of close to 40 CFAL staff members descended upon
                                                               two locations in Nassau to help distribute hot food to those
        As part of their 20th Anniversary celebrations, Colina Financial   in need. CFAL also presented BFN with a check to assist the
        Advisors Limited (CFAL) has given back to the community   essential network in continuing to run its programs that help
        by donating both time and funds to the Bahamas Feeding   feed victims of hunger in The Bahamas.
                                                               “As we at CFAL celebrate two decades of transformation,
                                                               financial empowerment and growth, we want to reach out
                                                               to show appreciation for those who regularly assist the
                                                               community in meaningful ways,” said Anthony Ferguson,
                                                               CFAL President. “The Bahamas Feeding Network, which serves
                                                               as a lifeline to so many, is deserving of our financial support
                                                               and we hope others in corporate Bahamas will join us in
                                                               supporting this valuable organization.”

                                                    Ph.: 242.676.2636

         web:   •   email:   •             thefeedingnetwork
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