P. 42


                                    FOR SAFETY

                                         WATER SPORTS


            1.  You  should  know  how  to  swim  if  you  want  to  fully   been wearing life jackets.  Make sure that the life jacket fits
            enjoy water sports. If you are not a good swimmer, take   properly and is Coast Guard-approved.
            swimming lessons to learn basic swimming skills. Learning
            to swim is extremely important for children, who tend to   4. Never go out swimming, diving alone. Even though
            learn quicker than adults. Children who learn to swim at   you may enjoy this time alone, it can be very dangerous.
            a young age are less likely to fear the water, which allows   Make sure you have someone with you at all times when
            them to participate in many types of water activities. The   you are in or on the water. It doesn’t matter whether you
            YMCA  has  been  teaching  people  to  swim  for  more  than   are swimming or boating or fishing; never risk getting out
            100 years. You can check out their website (   alone in the water.
            for more information.
                                                              5. Carry extra safety supplies and equipment with you
            2. Children  can be fearless when it comes to being   when you are boating. These can include extra life jackets,
            in the water. They have very little concern for their own   a  mobile  phone,  first  aid  kit,  equipment  manual  and
            safety, or the safety of others. All children who are playing   tools,  bottles  of water and towels.  Ensure  you  and your
            or taking part in water sports activities must by supervised   passengers are aware of these items and know how to use
            by adults, at all times. Young children have a higher risk   them properly. Be sure the supplies and equipment are
            of drowning, so never leave children alone near or in the   accessible, yet stored safely and securely.
            water. Assign an individual to keep an eye on children the
            entire time they are near the water, and, if possible, have a   6. Let people know where you are going. You don’t have
            second adult help out as well.                    to formally file a float plan, but you should still complete
                                                              the information and give it to someone staying on shore. In
            3. Wear a life  jacket  (i.e.,  personal  flotation  device)   the event you do not return as scheduled, this information
            even if you are a great swimmer. If you fall or become   will be  the  starting  point for  locating  you  and  providing
            incapacited in the water, a life jacket will keep you afloat   assistance as needed. Many things can go wrong when you
            until help arrives. Even in a boat, riders should be wearing   are out on the water, from physical issues to mechanical
            life  jackets.  The  latest  statistics  indicate  that  more  than   problems,  so  be  pro-active  and  plan  your  activity  in
            half of boating-related deaths in recent years were due to   advance; then follow that plan. An example of a float plan
            drowning, and may have been avoided if the victims had   is provided here.

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