P. 43
It’s not your home, it’s theirs - and you’re just
visiting. Sure, it can be thrilling to see a pod of
whales or dolphins up close, but you need to keep your
distance. Hawaii, for example, has specific regulations for
interacting with marine life: you need to stay at least 100
yards away from humpback whales and it is illegal to
touch the sea turtles. And if you’re not a professional,
you should keep your hands off the coral reef,
fish and sharks.(In case you were wondering,
here’s what NOT to do around those
toothy predators.)
7. Watch the Weather. You should
always be aware of the current and
forecast weather conditions during the
time you plan to be on the water. This
includes the water and sea conditions kids can yell loud, don’t expect to hear alcoholic, before and during any
also. Avoid planning water activities if the them over the roar of the boat engine. boating or water sport activity. Boating
weather forecast predicts rain or storms 9. During spring and summer, you will be and drinking just do not mix. You are
or high seas/rough water. If you do get exposed to harmful rays from the sun responsible for those with you, and in or
caught in bad weather, get everybody out most of the time you are on the boat around the water, and need to be able
of the water, in the boat, and head for or playing in the water. To protect your to react quickly and appropriately if a
shore immediately. skin, and stay hydrated, be sure to wear dangerous situation should occur. More
sunscreen, and drink plenty of water. than half of boating accidents involve
8. When boating, follow the rules Reapply sunscreen after being in the alcohol, so stay safe, and stay sober!
of the lake, or river, or sea: stay in water, and as often as recommended. It’s
navigable waters, monitor your wakes, great to have that healthy, suntan look –
maintain plenty of distance between just get that look gradually, and protect
other boats, and have someone looking your skin to avoid sunburns.
out for people in the water – a “spotter.” If
you have water skiers, or boat tubes that You should also wear good sunglasses to
people will be riding on, like a big towable protect your eyes from the glare from the
tube, go over the hand signs so skiers sun, and a hat to protect your head and
and riders know how to communicate shield your face. You may even want to
with the boat: Okay (thumb and tip of wear long sleeve sun shirts, which is an
index finger together); Faster (thumbs even better idea for children.
up); Slower (thumbs down); Stop (hand
slashing across neck); Go Back to the 10. While you need to stay hydrated,
dock or shore (pat head). Even though you should avoid drinking anything