Page 159 - Professional Services Networks
P. 159
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks

Regions: Global enables us to deliver practical advice,
Description: TAGLaw,® founded in 1998,
is a worldwide alliance of independent law Techlaw Group
firms. The alliance today ranks among the
five largest legal alliances in the world. Address:
1111 Northshore Drive NW, Ste. N-400
TAGLaw members are highly respected, Knoxville, TN 37919
value-driven law firms with local market U.S.
knowledge and expertise. Members are
carefully chosen based on their reputation Contact: Lisa Skinner
and record, and on recommendations from Email:
existing members. Members undergo a Telephone: 865 588 7456
rigorous screening process prior to invitation Fax: 865 588 3009
to the alliance, and are ultimately reviewed Website:
and approved by the TAGLaw Advisory
Board. Number of Firms: 18
Number of Lawyers: 9,000
TAGLaw’s standards of excellence and Regions: U.S.
integrity are the vital elements that assure
clients they will receive quality Description: The network has 18 member
representation and a consistent level of firms in more than 31 countries. Members
professionalism. All TAGLaw firms agree to offer legal services in industries that range
adhere to common objectives and standards, from advanced materials, medical devices,
as documented in TAGLaw’s Standards and and biotechnology to telecommunications,
Charter. electronics, semiconductors, and software
development. The group offers continuing
Taxand legal educational programs, joint research
projects and publications, and lawyer
Address: exchanges among member firms.
1B Heinenhaff
L-1736 Senningerberg TELFA (Trans European Law Firms Alliance)
Luxembourg 32
Contact: Frédéric Donnedieu de Vabres Avenue Louise 208
Email frederic.donnedieu@arsene- B-1050, Brussels Belgium
Telephone: +33 01 70 38 88 01
Fax: +33 01 70 38 88 10 Contact: Giancarlo Agace
Website: Email:
Telephone: +32 2 642 27 59
Number of Firms: 50 Fax: +32 2 642 27 93
Number of Tax Advisors: 2,000
Regions: Global Website:

Description: Taxand provides high-quality, Number of Firms: 122
integrated tax advice worldwide. Our tax Number of Lawyers: More than 700
professionals, nearly 400 tax partners and Regions: Europe
more than 2,000 advisors in nearly 50
countries, grasp both the fine points of tax Description: Trans European Law Firms
and the broader strategic implications, Alliance (TELFA) is an international
helping our clients mitigate risk, manage alliance of independent law firms
their tax burden, and drive the performance established in 1989. The member firms
of their business. comprise more than 700 lawyers throughout
Taxand competes primarily with the Big 4
networks for high-end strategic tax advisory The TELFA model is based on the
work for multinationals. We’re different recognition that smaller practices with low
because we’re independent — ensuring our overheads, high flexibility, and local
clients adhere both to best practices and to expertise are more suited on a continent
tax law, and that we remain free from time- composed of a majority of smaller markets.
consuming audit-based conflict checks. This Its member firms respond effectively to

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