Page 162 - Professional Services Networks
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1021 East Cary St. The Handbook - Law Firm Networks
Richmond, VA 23219
U.S. Worklaw Network

Contact: Calvin W. Fowler Address:
Telephone: 804 643 1991 Elarbee, Thompson, Sapp & Wilson
Fax: 804 783 6507 229 Peachtree St. N.E.
Website: 800 International Blvd.
Number of Firms: 9 Atlanta, GA 30303
Number of Lawyers: 240 U.S.
Regions: U.S.
Contact: Victor A. Cavanaugh, President
Description: Email:
Telephone: 404 659 6700
Warwick Legal Network Fax: 404 222 9718
VDB Advocaten Notarissen Number of Firms: 36
Eindhovenseweg 126 Number of Lawyers: 350
NL-5582 HW Waalre Regions: U.S.
Description: A nationwide network of law
Contact: Stuart Miller Chairman firms exclusively representing management
Email: in all areas of labor and employment law.
Telephone: +44 20 7553 9936 Member firms practice exclusively in labor
Fax: and employment matters for employers. The
Website: network has 339 lawyers in 40 offices in 26
states. Members have access to a shared
Number of Firms: 26 database containing research memoranda,
Number of Lawyers: 500 briefs, election campaign materials, and
Regions: Europe other pooled information.

Description: Medium-sized as well as large World Law Group
businesses are confronted with considerable
challenges when preparing and Address:
implementing cross-border deals. Different Bay Adelaide Centre
legal systems and trading practices require 333 Bay Street
close consultation between the parties Suite 3400
involved. Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2S7
The qualified legal counsel provided by
member firms of Warwick Legal Network Contact: Stuart Young
(WLN) confers an invaluable advantage Email:
when it comes to preparing and successfully Telephone: +1 416 979 2211
implementing international business Fax:
transactions. Website:

WLN stands for international teamwork by Number of Firms: 54
experienced national lawyers with Number of Lawyers: 19,000
knowledge of, and expertise in, the law and Regions: Global
customs of the country in which their clients
are looking to do business. Description: World Law Group Ltd. is an
international network of 50 member firms
The lawyers in Warwick Legal Network located on six continents in more than 260
know each other personally, are accustomed global commercial centers. The organization
to cooperating on an international basis, and holds semi-annual meetings and provides
are able to deliver the highest standards of members with publications on a range of
cross-border professional advice and topics including antitrust, e-commerce, and
representation. health law.

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