Page 2 - NOVEMBER HOLIDAY RIPPLES updated - Publisher
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Tis the season - celebrate the holidays with family, friends, and colleagues at

          Riverton Country Club. Each year the Club plans a variety of unique holiday events
          designed for your enjoyment and we are looking forward to entertaining you again

          this year.

          In this booklet, you will find an outline of the events we plan to bring you through

          the holiday season.

          If your plans call for private entertaining this season, we encourage you to call the

          Club’s Director of Sales, Julie Scott at 856-829-5500 or contact her by email at

                                                 Holiday Events

           December 14th…….….……………………Semi Annual Membership Meeting

           December 18th……………………...Last Day to Order Christmas Eve Takeouts

           December 20…..…………………………………..Gift Wrapping with Dinner

           December 24…………………….....Christmas Eve Take out from 11am to 2 pm

           December 31……………………………………….…New Years Eve Buffet
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