Page 4 - NOVEMBER HOLIDAY RIPPLES updated - Publisher
P. 4

General Manager’s Message
          Michael Rudon CCM, CCE

              hope you have been enjoying the holiday season. The Club looks great and I want to give a
         I  special shout out to Connie Schmidt and her band of elves, Kathy Rossetti, Kathy McCracken,
         Carol Herbert, Grace Barr, Kim Tickner, Agnes Thompson, Dorothy Spinner, Ruth Rogers,
         Carmella Rogers, MaryAnn Mancine,  Kathy Mancine, Ron Green, Bridgette Hagstoz, Janice
         Sweeten, Denise Amons, Ginger Paglione, Joanne Elvert, and Kathy Davidson, who all helped to
         create a festive atmosphere for us to enjoy. Thank you so much!

         There have been a lot of activities for our members to enjoy. The Madrigal Night always makes
         for a very elegant evening, and the Santa Brunch is always one of the Clubs biggest events with
         almost 400 members and guests in attendance. Additionally, our Holiday Dinner Dance certainly
         seems to have found new life. Julie Scott did a wonderful job with the decorations and Chef Dan
         produced a great meal. The dance floor was crowded till midnight!

         I want to thank you all for your contributions to the employee holiday fund - members were more
         generous than ever. These funds go to our hard-working employees - many who you know and
         see frequently, and also to key personnel who work behind the scenes. Your gifts are truly

         Have a wonderful Holiday!
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