Page 260 - Foton Workshop Manual - Tunland (AT)
P. 260

04-114                     DIAGNOSTICS - ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM

           DTC LIST

           When checking DTC in the checking model, if certain DTC is displayed, then the circuit
           of the code listed in the following list should be checked.The detailed description of
           each DTC can refer to corresponding pages.
             Failure code    Diagnostic items (DTC definition)                Trouble location

                             Anti lock braking (ABS) enabled -
            P4215                                                    • ECM
                             conditions exist
                             Postprocessing preheat diesel oxida-    • Postprocessing DOC temperature
                             tion catalyst temperature sensor
            P4253                                                      sensor module and its harness
                             module - intelligent devices or com-    • ECM
                             ponents fault
                             Postprocessing preheat diesel oxida-    • Battery
                             tion converter temperature sensor       • Postprocessing DOC temperature
                             module - voltage is above normal or       sensor module and its harness
                             shorted to high voltage power supply • ECM

                             Postprocessing preheat diesel oxida-    • Battery
                             tion converter temperature sensor       • Postprocessing DOC temperature
                             module - voltage is below normal or       sensor module and its harness
                             shorted to low voltage power supply • ECM

                             Postprocessing preheat diesel oxida-
                             tion converter temperature sensor       • Postprocessing DOC temperature
            P4256            module - data is valid but above nor-     sensor module and its harness
                             mal operating range - lowest severity   • ECM

                             Postprocessing preheat diesel oxida-    • Postprocessing DOC temperature
            P4257            tion converter temperature sensor         sensor module and its harness
                             module - Abnormal updating rate         • ECM

                             Postprocessing preheat diesel oxida-    • Postprocessing DOC temperature
            P4258            tion converter temperature sensor         sensor module and its harness
                             module - Unknown root cause             • ECM

                             Postprocessing diesel particulate fil-  • Postprocessing DOC temperature
            P4259            ter temperature sensor module - Un-       sensor module and its harness
                             known root cause                        • ECM

                             Variable geometry turbocharger actu- • Turbocharger actuator
                             ator software - beyond calibration      • ECM

                             Variable geometry turbocharger actu- • Turbocharger actuator
                             ator software - problems exist          • ECM

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