Page 165 - Workshop Manual - Tunland (2017)
P. 165

DIAGNOSTICS - ANTI-LOCK BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS)                       04-27

                 Diagnostic step

                 1 .    Check the relay and fuse (vehicle-body fuse box)

                                                           (a)    Check the fuse F15 inside the vehicle-body
                                                                  fuse box.

                                                                  Standard voltage                                   04

                                                               Connection of the
                                                                                           Standard value
                                                                Fuse F15-ground             Battery voltage

                      F36 15A  F19  F21 F18 F20 F22 F23
                                  R07  86
                             20A    25A   5A
                          F11  F12  F13  F14  F15 F16  F17
                      ALT                  C037

                      B65  15A 10A 15A  7.5A    20A  20A 7.5A 20A 10A    5A
                      B+  F1  F2  F3  F4  F5  F6  F7  F8  F9  F10
                 Check whether the result is normal?
                 Yes> go to step 2

                 No > The voltages of both ends of the fuse are different, go to step 3.

                 2 .    Check the connector of the ABS control module.

                                                           (a)    disconnect the connector A006 of the ABS
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