Page 207 - Workshop Manual - Tunland (2017)
P. 207

DIAGNOSTICS - SRS SYSTEM                                04-69

                 Diagnostic steps

                 1 .    Check the preloading assembly (preloading assembly –ground, driver’s seat
                        belt), driver's seat belt.

                 (a)    Confirm the ignition switch is closed, and disconnect the negative pole of the battery
                        for more than 90 seconds.
                                                           (b)    Disconnect preloading assembly connector
                                                                  D002, driver’s seat belt.

                                                           (c)    Disconnect SRS control module connector

                                                           (d)    Measure the electrical resistance based on
                                                                  the value in the following form.

                                                                  Standard resistance (check whether there
                                                                  is short circuit)
                                                            Multimeter connection          Standard value

                                                                D002(1) ground
                                                                                               ≥ 1 MΩ
                                                                D002(2) ground

                 Check whether the result is normal?

                 Yes> go to step 2
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