Page 62 - ZEB Final Report-2017
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ZEB  مﺎﻗرا و رﺎﻣآ   63                                                                    2017  ﯽﯾﺎﻬﻧ شراﺰﮔ  |     ﺮﻔﺻ هﺪﻨﯾﻻآ  يﺎﻫ نﺎﻤﺘﺧﺎﺳ    62

                                                                                                                                                                                                       مﺎﻗرا و رﺎﻣآ

                                              ﺰﮐﺮﻣ ﺖﯿﻟﺎﻌﻓ هرود رد ﯽﻟﺎﻣ ﻦﯿﻣﺄﺗ

                                                                                                                             زا يا ﻪﻧﻮﻤﻧ .ﺪﻨﺘﺷ اد ﺖﮐﺮﺷ  ﯽﺗﺎﻘﯿﻘﺤﺗ يﺎﻫرﺎﮐ رد ﺪﺷ را نﺎﻘﻘﺤﻣ و نﺎﻘﻘﺤﻣ زا ﯽﮔرﺰﺑ هوﺮﮔ

                                                                                                                                                                                                        :ﺖﺳا هﺪﻣآ ﺮﯾز رد ﺎ  ﻬﻧآ
                                                                   (    يژوﺮﻧ نوﺮﮐ   100  ﻪﺑ مﺎﻗرا ) ﯽﻟﺎﻣ نﺎﮔﺪﻨﻨﮐ ﻦﯿﻣﺄﺗ

                                                                                                                             Name                              Main research area
                                                                        Cash        In-kind         Total                    Aoife Houlihan Wiberg             Concepts and strategies for zero emission buildings
         Host                                                                        39 009        39 009                    Bente Gilbu Tilset                Advanced materials technologies

         Research Partners                                                           42 984        42 984                    Igor Sartori                      Energy use in buildings, energy efficiency
         Industrial Partner                                            39 098        50 643        89 741
                                                                                                                             Matthias Haase                    Energy use in buildings, energy efficiency
         Public Partners                                                4 500         7 666        12 166
                                                                                                                             Judith Thomsen                    Energy efficient use and operation
         Research Council of Norway                                   120 000                     120 000
                                                                                                                             Jøran Solli                       Energy efficient use and operation
         Research Council of Norway - Infrastructure                   15 000                      15 000
                                                                                                                             Laurent Georges                   Energy supply systems and services
                                                                                                                             Luca Finocchiaro                  Concepts and strategies for zero emission buildings
                                                                                        يﺪﯿﻠﮐ داﺪﻋا  –     ﺞﯾﺎﺘﻧ             Maria Justo Alonso                Energy supply systems and services

                                      2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  Total                            Michael Klinski                   Concepts and strategies for zero emission buildings

        Scientific publications (peer          27     11     46     40    76     44     37      1    282                     Nicola Lolli                      Concepts and strategies for zero emission buildings
        Dissemination measures for users*   0   37    45    119     87    73     51     37      0    449                     Reidun Dahl Schlanbusch           Concepts and strategies for zero emission buildings
        Dissemination measures for the   0      4     13     29     18    69     54     34      4    225                     Selamawit Fufa                    Concepts and strategies for zero emission buildings
        general public*                                                                                                      Silje Kathrin Korsnes             Climate-adapted low-energy envelope technologies
        Number of new/improved                                      9            11                   20
        methods/models/proto¬types                                                                                           Sivert Uvsløkk                    Climate-adapted low-energy envelope technologies
        finalised                                                                                                            Steinar Grynning                  Climate-adapted low-energy envelope technologies

        Number of new/improved                                      6            13                   19                     Tao Gao                           Advanced materials and technologies
        finalised                                                                                                            Anne Gunnarshaug Lien             Concepts and strategies for zero emission buildings
        PhD-degrees completed**                                     2      4      2      5      1    14                      Anita Moum                        Energy efficient use and operation

        Master degrees                                 2     21     19    12     18      7            79                     Malin Sletnes                     Advanced materials and technologies

                                                                                                                             Berit Time                        Climate-adapted low-energy envelope technologies
                                                                                يﺮﺘﮐد يﺎﻫ ﺪﯾﺪﻧﺎﮐ ماﺪﺨﺘﺳا                     Vojislav Novakovic                Energy supply systems and services

                                                                                                                             Christian Schlemminger            Climate-adapted low-energy envelope technologies
        Employment of PhD-candidates (number)**
          By centre    By other   By public   By university   By research   Outside   Other     Total                        Kristian Stenerud Skeie           Energy supply systems and services
          company     companies   organisations            institute   Norway
                                                                                                                             Åse Lekang Sørensen               Concepts and strategies for zero emission buildings
                         1           1           5           3           3           1           14                          Marianne Kjendseth Wiik           Concepts and strategies for zero emission buildings

       *As per completion of the final report. This will increase in 2017.                                                   Francesco Goia                    Climate-adapted low-energy envelope technologies
       **Six more candidates are expected to complete their theses.
                                                                                                                             Åshild Lappegard Hauge            Energy efficient use and operation
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64