Page 78 - SCP Hub
P. 78
“Run Your Account Like a Business” – SAPPHIRE
ü Start early and invest your time: 3-4 months prior to event and minimum of 40 hours
of cumulative prep time
SCP SKILLS ü Identify what matters (“the hook”) for customer stakeholders and be prepared with
ü Conduct 1:1 meetings with stakeholders focused on identification of their objectives
and motivation for the event
ü Map sessions to customer objectives; with a particular focus on meetings with other
customers and key SAP exec’s.
ü Identify additional activities – e.g. group dinners, leadership forums, outings, partner
events, …Book dinner venue and leverage partners for expenses
ü Reconcile customer objectives with your objectives and prepare a draft agenda
accordingly. Review with stakeholders. Usually requires a few iterations
ü Gain commitment from SAP executives asap and prepare properly - articulate 3
objectives and expectations of the SAP exec. Send this request via personalize email
and follow-up with executive assistant.
ü Create an outlook appointment block for requested meetings at SAPPHIRE. Confirm
in both the CCT tool and with the EA. Set up a prep call well in advance of the event.
ü Have a plan “B” for everything; including mobile phone info for all attendees and
© 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. ǀ INTERNAL | Scott Schwartzman, SCP Global CoE