Page 5 - FYZICAL FORMULA NEWS - October 2017
P. 5

Following the
         THE ADVANTAGES OF                                                            FYZICAL plan and

                                                                                      system, is the advice
         FYZICAL OWNERSHIP                                                            they would offer to

                                                                                      other members just
        The Taylors like the advantages of a FYZICAL                                  getting started with their
        ownership because it brings a lot of new                                      FYZICAL Centers.  The

        technology, programs, discounts and                                           Taylors also work very

        products.  The support is also an asset, they say,                            hard towards caring for
        with leadership and business training.                                        patients and giving the
                                                                                      extra special personal

                                                                                      touch by showing care
      MARKETING                                                                       and concern for the
                                                                                      patient’s activities,

      Their  marketing  includes               Having a FYZICAL                       family and life events.

      using     Facebook, Twitter,                     Franchise has                  Their one center grew
      Google+, Instagram, digital                   allowed them to                   over 57% when first
      and print newsletters and                       Love their Life,                starting out with

      newspaper  ads, but their                         and they look                 FYZICAL and they had
      biggest  marketing  resource                     forward to the                 to expand to two
      is  traditional word of mouth.                          continued               additional centers to
      The Utah centers also                        successes in the                   accommodate more
      include a FYZICIAN Liaison                                   future.            patients.

      to    reach      the     medical
      professionals in the area.

      CLINICS                                 IN THEIR SPARE TIME

      This family FYZICAL                     When  not  caring for patients,  the  Taylor family likes to
      team operates an 11,000                 travel, snow ski, do yoga, play tennis, baseball  and road
      square foot clinic complete             bike.   Rogan  is also  an  avid  photographer  and  with  15
      with a 65 x  25 foot  pool.             grandkids in the family, there are probably some very nice
      They have a collection  of              pictures on their walls at home.  Seven of the grandkids are

      three  clinics which  offer all         equally  as active and were taught how to snow ski at a
      services including BODYQ ,              young age.  Kimball and Aubrey have five athletic boys that
      fitness, audiology, vestibular,         play guitar, volleyball, and love to camp.  Two of the boys are

      manual therapy and a focus              twins.  When asked if they remember all of the boy’s
      on manual spine and back                birthdays, they laughed and said they have the dates written
      treatments.                             down! This is one busy family, but they recently found time
                                              to spend two weeks in India.

                                                                                   FYZICAL THERAPY & BALANCE CENTERS  5.
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