Page 6 - FYZICAL FORMULA NEWS - October 2017
P. 6

There’s a New

         Sheriff in Town

                     DID YOU KNOW?
               BRAND GUIDELINES

                       On all the branded material FYZICAL® designs, you
                       may see a TM or the symbol ® attached. Trademarks
                       are a “service mark” designed to protect names,
                       symbols, devices, and words that are used to
                       identify a company or service.  They allow a
                       company to dene and distinguish goods or
                       services from others in the same industry.
                       Trademarking is the rst step to becoming a
                       dominant brand!

                       FYZICAL  LOGO


                  • Alter in any way
                  • Change the color                  I know it’s tempting to dress
                  • Add other objects                 me up because I am so cute,   As FYZICAL becomes a
                                                        but I do look ridiculous.
                  • Drop shadow                                                     world-class brand, your
                  • Put into a box
                  • Re-design it                                                    practice will have an asset
                  • Use outlines                                                    like Apple, Nike, or
                  • Use background patterns                                         Starbucks.  Smart
                  DO                                                                companies evolve and the

                  • Use clear space around                                          science of branding is the
                  • Make sure the ® is visible                                      key. Most physical therapists
                  • Make sure the color is correct                                  start o with a name that
                  • Ask us questions if you are
                    not sure                                                        they later recognize is not
                                                                                    going to allow them to

                  Don’t stretch, distort or re-color the logo.  If it does not t into  become dominant in their
                       the space you need, ask a designer to resize for you         communities and region.
                                   and keep the aspect ratio.
                                                                                    Smart companies set aside
                                                                                    ego and evolve.

                                                                                                      Brian Werner

                                                                                   FYZICAL THERAPY & BALANCE CENTERS  6.
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