Page 30 - Génome Québec - 2017-2018 Annual report
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                                                                    Number   Number of                    Number of                                                                           Number   Number of                     Number of
                                                        Duration    of persons   scientists   Number of   Number of   declarations                                                 Duration    of persons   scientists   Number of   Number of   declarations
                                                       of the project  employed   trained   publications   conferences   of invention                                             of the project  employed   trained   publications   conferences   of invention
                         FOR 2017-2018                            (pers. - years)  (pers. - years)  accepted  as speaker   or patents              FOR 2017-2018                            (pers. - years)  (pers. - years)  accepted  as speaker   or patents

                         2012 COMPETITION: BIOINFORMATICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY                                                                2010 COMPETITION: LARGE-SCALE APPLIED RESEARCH PROJECTS

                         JÉROME WALDISPÜHL - MCGILL                                                                                                JOHN MACKAY - ULAVAL
                         A development and deployment platform   2.5 years  15.25  4.72  3        10        1                                      JÖRG BOHLMANN - UBC            4 years     165.8     37.5       68       115        0
                         for citizen science games in genomics                                                                                     SMarTForest: Spruce Marker Technologies
                                                                                                                                                   for Sustainable Forestry
                         MATHIEU BLANCHETTE - MCGILL
                         PIATEA: A portal for integrative approaches   2.25 years  11.55  3.5  3   7        0                                      FRANZ B. LANG - UMONTRÉAL
                         to transposable element annotation                                                                                        MOHAMED HIJRI - UMONTRÉAL      4 years     154.2     55.1       25       84         0
                                                                                                                                                   Improving Bioremediation of Polluted Soils
                                                                                                                                                   through Environmental Genomics
                         RESEARCH INSTITUTE
                         MIKE TYERS - UMONTRÉAL
                         ProHits Next Generation: A flexible system   2.75 years  5.5  0  5       24        1                                      GQ PILOT PROJECTS COMPETITION
                         for tracking, analyzing and reporting functional
                         proteomics data
                                                                                                                                                   JAMIE ENGERT - RESEARCH INSTITUTE
                                                                                                                                                   OF THE MUHC
                                                                                                                                                   High Throughput Genotyping and   2 years     3        0         0         0         0
                         ABC COMPETITION                                                                                                           Sequencing Using Pooled DNA/RNA
                         THOMAS BUREAU - MCGILL                                                                                                    JULIE ST-PIERRE - MCGILL       2 years      4.4       1         1         1         0
                         Bridging Comparative, Population and Functional                                                                           Metabolomics of ErbB2-induced breast tumors
                         Genomics to Identify and Experimentally Validate   5 years  58  11  22   54        3
                         Novel Regulatory Regions and Genes for Crop                                                                               PIERRE DRAPEAU - UMONTRÉAL
                         Improvement                                                                                                               EDOR KABASHI - UMONTRÉAL
                                                                                                                                                   Chemical genetic screens for TDP-43 modifiers   2 years  9.8  6  3       12         1
                         ADRIAN TSANG - UCONCORDIA                                                                                                 and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis therapeutics
                         Genozymes for Bioproducts and Bioprocesses   5 years  314.3  35  52      37        13
                         Development                                                                                                               ROGER C. LEVESQUE - ULAVAL
                                                                                                                                                   BEGAB: Budwork EcoGenomics: applications   2 years  8.5  2      3        15         0
                         PETER FACCHINI - UALBERTA                                                                                                 and technologies
                         VINCENT MARTIN - UCONCORDIA   5 years      38.7       0        44        74        27
                         Synthetic Biosystems for the Production                                                                                   SARAH KIMMINS - MCGILL
                         of High Value Plant Metabolites                                                                                           Determining the role of the paternal epigenome   2 years  5.6  3.1  2     9         0
                                                                                                                                                   in offspring health
                         PETER PHILLIPS - USASK
                         RICHARD GOLD - MCGILL         5 years       11        0        50       145        0                                      ZOHA KIBAR - CHU STE-JUSTINE
                         Value Addition through Genomics                                                                                           Whole exome resequencing in familial   2 years  4.8   0         0         0         0
                                                                                                                                                   neural tube defects

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