Page 32 - Génome Québec - 2017-2018 Annual report
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                                                                    Number   Number of                    Number of                                                                           Number   Number of                     Number of
                                                         Duration    of persons   scientists   Number of   Number of   declarations                                                Duration    of persons   scientists   Number of   Number of   declarations
                                                        of the project  employed   trained   publications   conferences   of invention                                            of the project  employed   trained   publications   conferences   of invention
                         FOR 2017-2018                            (pers. - years)  (pers. - years)  accepted  as speaker   or patents              FOR 2017-2018                            (pers. - years)  (pers. - years)  accepted  as speaker   or patents

                         GQ HEALTH COMPETITION                                                                                                     COMPETITION - QUÉBEC VERT

                         GREGOR ANDELFINGER - CHU STE-JUSTINE                                                                                      FRANÇOIS BELZILE - ULAVAL
                         Comprehensive genomic analysis of patients   4 years  9.7  2.4  2         4        1                                      GreenSNPs: an enabling technology
                         with congenital heart disease                                                                                             for environmental genomics in aquatic   2 years  5.6  2         4         9         0
                                                                                                                                                   or land animals and plants
                         GUY A. ROULEAU - CHUM
                         Next-generation sequencing approach to identify   3 years  12.9  0.2  5   5        0                                      CONNIE LOVEJOY - ULAVAL
                         bipolar disorder genes                                                                                                    Genomes and Transcriptomes of Arctic   1.5 year  4.2  1.2       0         3         0
                                                                                                                                                   Chromists (GTAC)
                         GUY SAUVAGEAU - UMONTRÉAL
                         Leucegene Project: Transcriptome sequencing   3 years  28  2.2  7         9        5                                      VINCENT MARTIN - UCONCORDIA
                         to identify novel prognostic markers and therapeutic                                                                      A Platform for Automated Yeast Genome   2 years  2.6  0         0         0         0
                         targets in acute myeloid leukemia
                                                                                                                                                   Engineering (PAYGE)
                         JOHN H. WHITE - MCGILL
                         Host macrophage transcriptomic responses   3 years  15.8  6.7   5        14        0
                         to M. Tuberculosis infection                                                                                              ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAM - EDUCATION IN GENOMICS
                         KEN DEWAR - MCGILL                                                                                                        DENIS J. GARAND - ULAVAL
                         The cartography of intestinal microbial communities   3 years  18.1  5.8  3  9     0                                      Boosting Entrepreneurial Skills and Training:   3 years  14.1  2.3  0    17         0
                         in a non-human primate model system                                                                                       BEST in Genomics!

                         MARK BASIK - JEWISH GENERAL HOSPITAL
                         Molecular profiling of drug resistant triple   4.5 years  36.1  10.5  7  20        0
                         negative breast cancer                                                                                                    GÉNOME QUÉBEC RECRUITMENT PROGRAM - HUMAN HEALTH
                                                                                                                                                   CARTaGENE DIRECTOR
                         MICHAEL HALLET - MCGILL
                         Next-generation predictive signatures   4 years  22.3  5        5         5        0
                         for breast cancer                                                                                                         SÉBASTIEN JACQUEMONT - CHU STE-JUSTINE  5 years  65.17  0       53       42         0
                         ALAIN MOREAU - CHU STE-JUSTINE
                         Genomics of pediatric scoliosis innovation platform:   4 years  26.6  11.8  4  3   0                                      HUMAN HEALTH
                         from genes to comprehensive diagnostic assays
                                                                                                                                                   MARK LATHROP - MCGILL
                         MICHEL G. BERGERON - ULAVAL                                                                                                                              5 years     39.98     5.62       36        0         0
                         Simple microfluidic system for rapid and robust                                                                           Medical genomics
                         identification of pathogens by real-time PCR   2 years  12  1   0         8        1
                         at point-of-care                                                                                                          MIKE TYERS - UMONTRÉAL         6 years     88.42    19.62       53       37         4
                                                                                                                                                   Biological network in human health
                         MARYAM TABRIZIAN - MCGILL
                         Portable SPR-based digital microfluidic   4 years  17.7  6.7   15        19        0
                         array platform
                         PAUL GOODYER - RESEARCH INSTITUTE
                         OF THE MUHC                    3 years     18.1      7.1        1        10        0
                         Cell therapy of cystinosis
                         PAVEL HAMET - CHUM
                         Development of a predictive tool for micro   3.5 years  27.4  5.7  0     22        6
                         and macrovascular complications in patients
                         with Type 2 Diabetes
                         GORDON SHORE - MCGILL
                         MICHEL L. TREMBLAY - MCGILL   3.5 years    18.3      2.7        0         6        1
            032          Therapeutic development platform: targeting                                                                                                                                                   2017-2018 ANNUAL REPORT
                         metabolism in cancer therapy
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