Page 36 - Génome Québec - 2017-2018 Annual report
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ASSESSMENT OF                                                                                                            CORPORATE

            COMPLETED PROJECTS                                                                                                       INFORMATION


                                                                                                                                                   For more information, please contact:          MINISTÈRE DE L’ÉCONOMIE,
                                                                    Number   Number of                    Number of                                                                               DE LA SCIENCE ET DE L’INNOVATION
                                                        Duration    of persons   scientists   Number of   Number of   declarations                 Louise Thibault
                                                       of the project  employed   trained   publications   conferences   of invention                                                             710 place D’Youville, 3rd floor
                         FOR 2017-2018                            (pers. - years)  (pers. - years)  accepted  as speaker   or patents              Senior Consultant, Communication and Special Projects
                                                                                                                                                   T  514 398-0668 ext. 232                       Québec, Québec  G1R 4Y4
                                                                                                                                                                                                  MCGILL UNIVERSITY AND GÉNOME QUÉBEC
                         JEAN-CLAUDE TARDIF - MHI      4 years      346       41        15        87        0                                      HEAD OFFICE                                    INNOVATION CENTRE
                         Pharmacogenomics (cardiovascular disease)
                                                                                                                                                   630 René-Lévesque Blvd West, Suite 2660        740 Docteur-Penfield Avenue, Suite 7104
                         JOHN MACKAY - ULAVAL                                                                                                      Montréal, Québec  H3B 1S6                      Montréal, Québec  H3A 1A4
                         Arborea II: Genomics for Molecular Breeding                                                                               T 514 398-0668                                 T 514 398-7211
                         in Softwood trees. Discovery of Gene Markers   5 years  186  66.6  49    95        0                                      F 514 398-0883                                 F 514 398-1790
                         to Enhance the Productivity and Value of Spruce
                         through Integrated Functional Genomics and                                                                                    
                         Association Mapping                                                                                                                  

                         BARTHA MARIA KNOPPERS - MCGILL                                                                                            AUDITORS KPMG LLP                              GÉNOME QUÉBEC AND CENTRE HOSPITALIER AFFILIÉ
                         THOMAS J. HUDSON - MCGILL                                                                                                                                                UNIVERSITAIRE RÉGIONAL DE CHICOUTIMI BIOBANK
                         Public Population Project in Genomics-  3 years  33.5  57      35        54        0                                      600 de Maisonneuve Blvd West, Suite 1500
                         CARTaGENE (P³G-CaG)                                                                                                       Montréal, Québec  H3A 0A3                      305 St-Vallier Street
                                                                                                                                                                                 Chicoutimi, Québec  G7H 5H6
                         DANIEL LAMARRE - IRIC                                                                                                                                                    T 514 398-7211
                         SYLVAIN MELOCHE - IRIC        2 years      16.8       0         0         3        0
                         A genomic platform for RNA interference screening                                                                         LEGAL ADVISER                        
                         to identify signalling pathways involved in cancer
                                                                                                                                                   Jean Brunet, Attorney                          CHU SAINTE-JUSTINE AND GÉNOME QUÉBEC
                         RAFICK-PIERRE SÉKALY - UMONTRÉAL                                                                                          Stein Monast, L.L.P.                           INTEGRATED CENTRE FOR PEDIATRIC
                         Genomics and proteomics platforms for vaccines   2 years  18  3  4        5        2                                      70 Dalhousie Street, Suite 300                 CLINICAL GENOMICS
                         and immune therapeutics discovery and                                                                                     Québec, Québec  G1K 4B2
                         development                                                                                                                                                              3175 Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Montréal, Québec  H3T 1C5
                         MICHEL G. BERGERON - CHU DE QUÉBEC                                                                                                                                       T 514 345-4931, ext. 6193
                         Genomic Point of Care testing (GPOCT)   2.25 years  45  2       9        18        1                                      GÉNOME CANADA
                         Viral Respiratory tract Infections (VRTIs)                                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                                                   150 Metcalfe Street, Suite 2100
                                                                                                                                                   Ottawa, Ontario  K2P 1P1
                         MICHAEL PHILLIPS - MHI
                         JEAN-CLAUDE TARDIF - MHI                                                                                        
                         Genomics and proteomics platforms for vaccines   2.5 years  17.5  3.6  4  44       0
                         and immune therapeutics discovery and
                         MARYAM TABRIZIAN - MCGILL
                         Integrated Proteomics Platforms for High-  2 years  35.3  15.2  34       13        0
                         Throughput Biomarker Discovery and Validation                                                                               THANKS TO OUR PARTNERS

                         RAFICK-PIERRE SÉKALY - UMONTRÉAL - BCCA
                         RYAN BRINKMAN - UMONTRÉAL - BCCA
                         High Throughput High-Dimensional Multi-  2 years  6   1         2         4        0
                         Parametric Analysis of the Immune System

                         BARTHA MARIA KNOPPERS - MCGILL
                         Genomics and Public Health (GPH):   3 years  5        4        22        47        0
                         Building Public “Goods”?

            036           TOTAL COMPLETED PROJECTS                 4,835     1,165     1,738    2,478      158                                                                                                         2017-2018 ANNUAL REPORT
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38