Page 5 - Génome Québec - 2017-2018 Annual report
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 Recent years have been marked by major investments and   their interest in science and   When Québec issued its life science strategy and its research   Three overarching objec-
 remarkable advances in genomics, particularly in the area of   in scientific careers, and the   and innovation strategy, it made very clear its commitment to   tives will also be consistently
 human health. These important breakthroughs, however, are   general public to promote   focus on the potential and benefits of these niches of excel-  guiding our actions as we
 causing a major shift in our way of doing things and are chan-  well-informed choices and   lence as drivers of its economy. Always attuned to major glo-  roll out our bold plan. These
 ging current practices. How can we ensure the successful   decisions.  bal trends in the area of genomics, Génome Québec quickly   involve providing an optimal
 adoption of this new disruptive technology by end users? How   understood the place that this disruptive technology should   framework on risk mana-
 can we integrate it effectively into medical practice? These are   Our ultimate aim is to provide   occupy on the Québec stage. Backed by a world-class pool   gement and sound gover-
 the challenges Québec now faces.   end users, policymakers and citizens, training and information   of expertise, well established in many key sectors of econo-  nance, recognizing and retaining talent, and lastly, ensuring
 tools adapted to their reality and level of understanding. This   mic development, genomics is poised to play a pivotal role   our influence and securing international collaborations.
 If we turn our attention to international trends, we note that   public outreach strategy, initially focused on human health, will   and help propel Québec among the world’s most innovative
 the most successful countries are the ones that have invested   subsequently be extended to other strategic sectors, such as   societies.   In this plan, Génome Québec proposes a series of initiatives
 massively in national strategies promoting the integration of   agrifood, forestry and the environment.  whose ultimate aim is to create an optimal and sustainable
 genomics into clinical practice. These strategies, which reflect   Ambitious and designed to   To attain this major objective,   environment conducive to the development of genomics. To
 strong political leadership at the highest level, are imple-  Let us not forget that we live at a time when many sensitive   capitalize on our achievements   Québec first needed to adopt a   do so, we will remain abreast of high-potential scientific areas,
 mented in collaboration with health care policymakers. The   issues are being debated on the public forum. If we wish to   and leverage the massive   vision for the development and   such as synthetic biology and microbiomes.
 United Kingdom, France, Denmark and the United States are   avoid a hold being placed on scientific progress, while ensu-  investments of recent years, the   deployment of genomics. In
 examples of countries that have incorporated genomics into   ring its safe and effective oversight, we must demonstrate   plan reflects the general opinion   2017-2018, Génome Québec   Lastly, we plan on contributing to the democratization of
 a national strategy for their health care systems. These are   leadership and encourage initiatives on public education and   was hard at work doing just that   science so that citizens, industry and society at large may
 models that Québec can draw on to fully harness the potential   acceptance. This is why we have chosen to focus on citizen   of members of the scientific   when it produced its five-year   take advantage of the benefits generated by the investments
 of genomics by ensuring its integration into human health.   participation.   community and partners.  plan spanning from 2018 to   made over the last two decades.
                                              2023. Ambitious and designed
 In addition to challenges associated with medical practice and   To seize future opportunities, we must continue to bank on   to capitalize on our achievements and leverage the massive   In this respect, we have planned a full program of outreach,
 big data management, these national strategies also focus   scientific excellence and on a cutting-edge service offering.   investments of recent years, the plan reflects the general opi-  training and social acceptance activities this year. We will be
 heavily on public education and consultation. The adoption   Genomics is no longer just a pipe dream; it now generates   nion of members of the scientific community and partners, who   reaching out to members of the general public to gather and
 of genomics by the public is a prerequisite to its success: wit-  real deliverables and a growing number of solutions with major   were surveyed during a major consultation in summer and fall   analyze their views on genomics in order to establish an effec-
 hout citizen support, society will fail to reap the many benefits   economic potential.  2017. From this consultation emerged a series of observations   tive, relevant public education strategy.
 generated by investments in genomics.   that structured our plan along four strategic objectives:
 In closing, I would be remiss not to mention the exceptional          In conclusion, I would like to thank our teams and staff for
 Our ultimate aim is to provide   Génome Québec has always   work of our Board of Directors and our President and CEO.     ö Support for genomics research   their invaluable support and dedication to making genomics an
 end users, policymakers and   recognized the importance of   Through their extensive experience and expertise, they are   Ensure the development of research excellence in   internationally recognized sector of excellence. It constitutes a
                                                                       major hub of talent and expertise for Génome Québec.
 making an outstanding contribution to a strategic sector of
 citizens, training and information   reaching out and informing   importance for the economic growth of Québec and the quality   genomics by funding large-scale projects relevant to
                           Québec’s priority sectors and by stimulating partnerships
 its various target audience
 tools adapted to their reality and   groups. We are convinced   of life of its citizens.  with end users.
 level of understanding.  that the democratization of
 science, the training of young     ö Integration and use of Big Data in genomics
 talent and the integration of genomics are important factors that   Make genomics a pillar of the Québec strategy on deep
 can drive the economic development of Québec and its glo-  learning and artificial intelligence and ensure access to
 bal influence. Against this backdrop, education, regulation and   quality data.
 social acceptance are at the core of our strategy for the next     ö Delivery of a world-class multi-sector offering
 five years.               of technological services
                           Maximize the scientific benefits of the technology
 To reach our goal, we will need to develop segmented strate-  platforms by ensuring their quality and accessibility
 gies for the various audiences we wish to address. These
 include health professionals to facilitate the integration of geno-    ö Education and social acceptance
 mics into the clinical setting, high school students to stimulate   Martin Godbout  Make genomics work for citizens, industry and society.   Daniel Coderre

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