Page 9 - Génome Québec - 2017-2018 Annual report
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Dominique Anglade, Deputy Premier,
Minister of Economy, Science and
Innovation and Minister responsible
for the Digital Strategy, commends the
excellence of Québec researchers.
Genomics has made sustained progress in pan-Canadian teams that includes local researchers, shared (French only)
recent years. Through genomics, researchers close to $20 million worth of funding. This amount represents Watch the video
are now equipped to offer real-world solutions nearly 30% of the federal funding available, resulting in an
to many crucial societal issues. overall investment of some $58 million in the development of
genomics in Québec.
Every year, Génome Québec supports dozens of Québec The projects focus on bringing precision medicine to the clinic
research teams to help them rank favourably on the pro- in order to optimize prevention, facilitate diagnosis and improve
vincial and national stage in different strategic sectors, such treatment.
as human health, agrifood, forestry and the environment. In
2017-2018, the Scientific Affairs team ensured the follow-up of In 2017-2018, three Québec research teams were also awar-
a portfolio of 59 active projects, including the management of ded funding under the Genomic Applications Partnership Pro-
research oversight committees with 50 international experts. Génome Québec salutes
gram. They secured a total of $11 million for projects in health, Québec researchers.
agrifood and the environment.
Thanks to this support, Québec researchers have excelled all Lastly, three Québec Excellence Centres and two princi-
year in several national Genome Canada competitions, thus pal co-investigators from pan-Canadian centres received
securing significant shares of funding to achieve their projects. $20 million as part of the Genomics Technology Platforms
competition. They can continue to provide high-quality tools,
As part of the Genomics and Precision Health competition, technology and services to the scientific community.
four research teams led by Québec researchers and four
This year, the Scientific Affairs team also managed the launch Total budget of active projects $ 68.4 M
of Genome Canada’s new 2017 Bioinformatics and Compu-
tational Biology Competition. The aim of the program is to Number of teams supported 48
develop new tools and methodologies to process, analyze and
integrate the large volume of complex data from “omics” tech- Number of projects funded 13
nologies. With the support of Génome Québec, researchers
in the province will have the chance to obtain funding, which Genome Canada funding awarded $ 25.8 M
they can use to propose innovative solutions that maximize in Québec
the value of these datasets. Genome Canada funding awarded
in Canada $ 87.7 M
A major study finally reveals the secrets on the genetics of breast The biggest study on whole-genome sequencing that allowed
cancer – Prof. Jacques Simard from the CR-CHU de Québec- the identification of eight new epilepsy genes was led Annual success rate in Québec 29.4 %
Université Laval is one of the lead authors of this important work. by Dr. Jacques L. Michaud from the CHU Sainte-Justine.
Read the article Read the article Number of active projects in the portfolio 59
08 2017-2018 ANNUAL REPORT