Page 11 - Génome Québec - 2017-2018 Annual report
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The Génome Québec technology platforms in Canada. With the new device, the Centre, which already
benefit the entire scientific community and enjoys an overall user satisfaction rate of 96%, will be able to
industry. provide even more comprehensive and timely services.
The CHU Sainte-Justine and Génome Québec Integrated
Drawing on a highly skilled staff and cutting-edge infrastruc- Pediatric Clinical Genomics Centre is preparing to diversify
ture, the platforms provide researchers both at home and its service offering with a view to integrating genomics into
abroad with services that range from genotyping and bio- applied fields, such as the diagnosis and clinical screening
banking to gene sequencing, gene expression, epigenomics of rare diseases.
and bioinformatics. These services are offered at the following
It was a record year at the Génome Québec and Centre hos-
pitalier affilié universitaire régional de Chicoutimi Biobank,
ö McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre
which performed the highest number ever of DNA extractions
from CARTaGENE. The number of requests from the scientific
ö CHU Sainte-Justine and Génome Québec Integrated community has, in fact, been growing steadily for the past Members of the Génome Québec and McGill University
Centre for Pediatric Clinical Genomics Innovation Centre team celebrates the International Day
two years. With more and more data available, scientists are of Women and Girls in Science.
now turning to CARTaGENE for their research needs.
ö Génome Québec and Centre hospitalier affilié
universitaire régional de Chicoutimi Biobank
Génome Québec also coordinates access to the clinical cohort
of the Genizon Biobank, and contributes to the promotion of
the CARTaGENE longitudinal population-based cohort, the
Canadian Centre for Computational Genomics (C3G) and the
Centre for Advanced Protemoic and Chemogenomic Analyses
These platforms attract large-scale projects from around the
world given their reliable, fast and comprehensive services that
lead to high-quality results and major breakthroughs.
2017-2018 HIGHLIGHTS
In the past year, 964 research teams from 28 countries have
used the services of the McGill University and Génome Québec
Innovation Centre, for a traffic rate comparable to previous
years. The Centre generated over $13.5 million in revenues,
with $2 million from international sources (15%).
In order to continue providing the scientific community with the
very latest equipment, the Centre also acquired in October the
all new NovaSeq 6000 sequencing system by Illumina, a first
010 2017-2018 ANNUAL REPORT