Page 16 - Génome Québec - 2017-2018 Annual report
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FINANCIAL                                                                                                                STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION

            ACTIVITY REPORT                                                                                                          MARCH 31 2018, WITH COMPARATIVE
                                                                                                                                     INFORMATION FOR 2017

                         Génome Québec receives most of its financial   year. Strategic development expenses totalled $222,157. After              The Statement of Financial Position as at March 31, 2018   the full financial statements of Génome Québec. These full
                         support from the Québec government and        certain adjustments, these expenses represent 3.6% of total                 and 2017, and the Statement of Operations for the years   financial statements, available in French only, were audited by
                         Genome Canada for the funding of research     investments for the year. Investment and intellectual property              ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 that follow are provided as   KPMG LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, and reported
                                                                                                                                                                                                  on June 19, 2018.
                                                                       revenues reached $657,695, for a return of 1.24%.
                                                                                                                                                   illustrative summaries only and are not intended to replace
                         projects and the operation of its technology
                         centres.                                      The excess of revenue over expenses totalling $1,149,322
                                                                       is the combined effect of the surplus of $805,983 generated
                         As of March 31, 2018, our research portfolio includes   by the technology centres, the investment and intellectual        ASSETS
                         59 research projects, while three technology centres are cur-  property revenues of $657,695, minus activities carried out                                                                 2018 ($)          2017 ($)
                         rently in operation. Génome Québec invested $53.5 million   without government funding, that is strategic development of
                         during the 2017-2018 fiscal year. This amount, combined with   $222,157 and support to researchers of $92,199. Unrestricted
                         the $29.4 million invested by other partners, brings our overall   net assets were up $274,379, reaching a total of $2,423,643 on   Current Assets
                         injection of funds to $82.9 million, a decrease of 6.3% over   March 31, 2018. Net assets dedicated to activities increased   Cash and cash equivalents                                 4,504,807        41,431,851
                         last year.                                    by $587,801 during the fiscal year and represent a net balance
                                                                       of $662,388. The technology investment and contingency                      Short-term investments                                       20,446,553        12,347,946
                         Business volume generated by research projects during this   funds net assets totals $1,577,133.
                         fiscal year amounted to $62 million. The most important activi-                                                           Contributions receivable                                      3,161,000                 -
                         ties are from the Genomics and Personalized Health compe-  Finally, Génome Québec has respected the terms and condi-
                         tition and the Fonds de partenariat pour un Québec innovant   tions in compliance with the contractual agreements it has   Accounts receivable and work in progress                     2,767,582         4,365,069
                         et en santé. This year, new projects issued from the Genomic   signed with its major financial partners.                  Advances to genomics research projects                                -         7,606,302
                         Applications Partnership Program and the Societal Implica-
                         tions of Genomics Research competition were launched. The                                                                 Inventories                                                   1,430,704         2,126,461
                         budget for projects underway totals $352 million, $84 million
                         of which is still to be carried out.                                                                                      Prepaid expenses                                               163,212           126,256
                                                                                                                                                                                                              $32,473,858       $68,003,885
                         For the year ended on March 31, 2018, sales arising from the
                         technology centres totalled $13.9 million, down 16.1% com-
                         pared to last year. However, the technology centres posted an
                         excess of revenues over expenses of $805,983 compared to                                                                  Long-term investments                                        28,099,774                 -
                         $685,373 from the previous fiscal year.

                         General and administrative expenses, business development   Daniel Coderre  Claude Lamarre                                Capital assets
                         and communications and committee expenses amounted to   President and CEO   Vice President, Finance                                                                                      251,769           393,582
                         $2.7 million, a decrease of $190,735 compared to last fiscal   Génome Québec  Génome Québec

                                                                                                                                                                                                              $60,825,401       $68,397,467

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