Page 20 - Génome Québec - 2017-2018 Annual report
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BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                                                                       EMPLOYEES

            AND COMMITTEES

                         BOARD OF DIRECTORS             Jennifer Stoddart, O.C., AD. É.  MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE                                      ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE           INNOVATION CENTRE              CHU SAINTE-JUSTINE
                                                        Invited Scholar
                         Martin Godbout, O.C., PhD      Centre of Genomics and Policy   Daniel Coderre                                             Micheline Ayoub                 Vicky Arsenault                René Allard
                         Chair of the Board             McGill University              President and CEO                                           Marc Bergeron                   François-Marie Bacot           Virginie Saillour
                         François R. Roy                Suzanne Vinet                  Marie-Kym Brisson                                           Diane Bouchard                  Julie Boudreau
                         Vice Chairman of the Board                                    Vice President, Strategic Development                       Marie-Kym Brisson               Geneviève Bourret              FONDS DE PARTENARIAT
                         Corporate Director                                            and Public Affairs                                                                                                         POUR UN QUÉBEC INNOVANT
                                                        OBSERVERS                                                                                  Michèle Chayer                  Sébastien Brunet               ET EN SANTÉ (FPQIS)
                         Jean Brunet, ATTORNEY                                         Claude Lamarre                                              Cristina Ciurli                 Valérie Catudal
                         Secretary of the Board         Marie-Josée Blais, PhD         Vice President, Finance                                     Daniel Coderre                  Geneviève Dancausse            Marie-Paule Choquette
                         Managing Partner, Stein Monast L.L.P.  Assistant Deputy Minister                                                                                                                         Hélène Fournier
                                                        Ministère de l’Économie, de la Science   B.F. Francis Ouellette                            Nathaly Hébert                  Philippe Daoust
                                                        et de l’Innovation                                                                                                                                        Joël Savard
                         MEMBERS OF THE BOARD                                          Vice President, Scientific Affairs                          Diana Iglesias                  Geneviève Donpierre
                                                        Marc LePage                                                                                                                                               Tu Linh Van
                         Isabelle Bouffard, BSc         President and CEO              Daniel Tessier                                              Fabrice Jean-Pierre             Nathalie Émond
                         Director                       Genome Canada                  Vice President, Technology Centres                          Éva Kammer                      Joëlle Fontaine
                         Recherches et politiques agricoles
                         Union des producteurs agricoles                               STRATEGIC AND SCIENTIFIC                                    Claude Lamarre                  Rosalie Fréchette
                                                        FINANCE COMMITTEE              ADVISORY BOARD (SSAB)                                       Fabienne Lefebvre               Geneviève Geneau
                         Daniel Coderre, PhD            François R. Roy
                         President and CEO                                             Louise Proulx, PhD                                          Darie Lessard                   Philippe Gingras Gélinas
                         Génome Québec                  Committee Chair                Committee Chair                                             Francis Ouellette               Isabelle Guillet
                                                                                       Therilia inc., Canada                                       Nidia Salazar                   Nathalie Hamel
                         Hélène Desmarais, C.M., LL.D.  Hélène Desmarais, C.M., LL.D.
                         CEO and Chair of the Board     Secretary of the Committee     Robert Cook-Deegan, MD                                      Annina Spilker                  François Korbuly
                         of Administration                                             School for the Future of Innovation                         Louise Thibault                 Sylvie LaBoissière
                         Centre d’entreprises           Anie Perrault, LL.L., ASC      in Society
                         et d’innovation de Montréal                                   Arizona State University, United States                     Vincent Trudel                  Pierre Lepage
                                                        GOVERNANCE, NOMINATION
                         Jean-François Éthier, MD, CM,   AND HUMAN RESOURCES           David Searls, PhD                                           Michelle Vyboh                  Kelly Rose Lobo De Souza
                         PhD, FRCPC                     COMMITTEE                      Retired BioInformatician (Consultant)                                                       François Massé
                         Clinical Researcher and Assistant Professor                                                                               BIOBANK                         Marc Michaud
                         Department of medicine         Suzanne Vinet                  Owen White, PhD
                         Université de Sherbrooke       Committee Chair                Microbiomic Expert                                          Steve Arsenault                 Jana Mickova
                                                                                       University of Maryland, United States                                                       Alexandre Montpetit
                         Paul Lepage, B.ENG., MBA, DR. H.C.  Me Jean Brunet
                         President                      Secretary of the Committee     Tim McAllister, PhD                                                                         Frédérick Robidoux
                         TELUS Health and Payment Solutions                            Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada                                                            Sharen Sophie Roland
                         Chair                          Daniel Coderre, PhD
                         TELUS Ventures                                                                                                                                            Maryorit Yuli Ruiz Quispe
                                                                                       Jean-François Deleuze, PhD
                         Sylvain Moineau, PhD, FRSC     Martin Godbout, O.C., PhD      CEA/Centre national de génotypage,                                                          Daniel Tessier
                         Full Professor                                                France                                                                                      Annie Verville
                         Département de biochimie,      Marie-Lucie Morin              Deanna Church, PhD                                                                          Daniel Vincent
                         de microbiologie et de bio-informatique
                         Université Laval                                              10x Genomics, United States                                                                 Hoai-Thu Vo
                                                        EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
                         Marie-Lucie Morin                                                                                                                                         Patrick Willett
                                                        Martin Godbout, O.C., PhD                                                                                                  Hao Fan Yam
                                                        Committee Chair
                         Anie Perrault, LL.L., ASC                                                                                                                                 Corine Zotti
                         Executive Manager              Me Jean Brunet
                                                        Secretary of the Committee
                         Rémi Quirion, PhD, CQ, O.C., FRSC  Daniel Coderre, PhD
                         Chief Scientist of Québec
                         Fonds de recherche du Québec   Marie-Lucie Morin

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