Page 22 - Génome Québec - 2017-2018 Annual report
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                         GENOMIC APPLICATION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM (GAPP)                                                                            2017 COMPETITION: GENOMICS AND PRECISION HEALTH
                         JANUARY 1-DECEMBER 31, 2017

                                                                    Number   Number of                    Number of                                                                           Number   Number of                     Number of
                                                         Project   of persons   scientists   Number of   Number of   declarations                                                   Project   of persons   scientists   Number of   Number of   declarations
                                                        starting date  employed   trained   publications   conferences   of invention                                             starting date  employed   trained   publications   conferences   of invention
                         FOR 2017-2018                            (pers. - years)  (pers. - years)  accepted  as speaker   or patents              FOR 2017-2018                            (pers. - years)  (pers. - years)  accepted  as speaker   or patents

                         STEVE LABRIE - ULAVAL         2014 - 04    1.92      0.25       0         0        0                                      NADA JABADO - MUHC RESEARCH INSTITUTE
                         Metagenomics and cheesemaking technologies                                                                                Tackling childhood brain cancer at the root   2018 - 04
                                                                                                                                                   to improve survival and quality of life
                         ADRIAN TSANG - UCONCORDIA     2014 - 10   13.81       0         0         0        0
                         Enzyme supplement for swine and poultry                                                                                   FRANÇOIS ROUSSEAU - ULAVAL
                                                                                                                                                   PEGASUS-2: Personalized Genomics for Prenatal   2018 - 04
                         RICHARD HAMELIN - UBC                                                                                                     Abnormalities Screening Using Maternal Blood:
                         ROGER C. LEVESQUE - ULAVAL                                                                                                Towards first-tier screening and beyond
                         Next generation biosurveillance of invasive   2014 - 10  3.11  0  1       1        0
                         alien species
                                                                                                                                                   GUY SAUVAGEAU - UMONTRÉAL
                                                                                                                                                   Interrogating and implementing Omics for precision   2018 - 04
                         JEAN BOUSQUET - ULAVAL                                                                                                    medicine in acute myeloid leukemia
                         FastTRAC (fast tests for rating and amelioration   2015 - 04  19.38  2  2  10      0
                         of conifers)
                                                                                                                                                   JACQUES SIMARD - ULAVAL
                                                                                                                                                   Personalized risk assessment for prevention
                         MICHEL G. BERGERON - CHU DE QUÉBEC  2015 - 10  16.52  0         0         2        0                                      and early detection of breast cancer: Integration   2018 - 04
                         New test to rapidly diagnose infections                                                                                   and Implementation

                         CHRISTOPH BORCHERS - JEWISH                                                                                               PAUL KEOWN - UBC
                         GENERAL HOSPITAL              2016 - 04    7.45       3         1        37        0                                      RUTH SAPIR-PICHHADZE - MCGILL
                         New test for patient selection for cancer treatment                                                                       Precision Medicine CanPREVENT AMR: Applying              Data available October 2018
                                                                                                                                                   precision medicine technologies in Canada to   2018 - 04
                         CHARLES GOULET - ULAVAL       2016 - 04    4.70      3.50       0         0        1                                      prevent antibody-mediated rejection and premature
                         A genetic toolbox for tomato flavour differentiation                                                                      kidney transplant loss

                         PIERRE THIBAULT - UMONTRÉAL                                                                                               ALISON M. ELLIOTT - UBC
                         Mass spectrometry improvement for personalized   2016 - 10  3.93  1.37  1  6       0                                      BARTHA MARIA KNOPPERS - MCGILL
                         medicine                                                                                                                  GenCOUNSEL: Optimization of genetic counselling   2018 - 04
                                                                                                                                                   for clinical implementation of genome-wide
                         CLAUDE ROBERT - ULAVAL        2016 - 10    3.02       0         0         0        0
                         Improve swine genetics
                                                                                                                                                   KYM BOYCOTT - UOTTAWA
                                                                                                                                                   BARTHA MARIA KNOPPERS - MCGILL
                         ADRIAN TSANG - UCONCORDIA                                                                                                 Care4Rare Canada: Harnessing multi-omics to   2018 - 04
                         Lysozyme feed additives to improve gut health   2017 - 10  1.48  0  0     0        0                                      deliver innovative diagnostic care for rare genetic
                         and productivity of food animals                                                                                          diseases in Canada (C4R-SOLVE)
                         PAUL GOODYER - MUHC                                                                                                       FELIX RATJEN - SICK KIDS
                         Novel Aminoglycoside Readthrough Therapy   2018 - 04                                                                      BARTHA MARIA KNOPPERS - MCGILL
                         for Nonsense Mutations                                                                                                    Personalized therapy for individuals   2018 - 04
                                                                                  Data available in July 2018                                      with cystic fibrosis
                         CLAUDE ROBERT - ULAVAL
                         Use of genomics to manage and protect   2018 - 04
                         caribou populations                                                                                                       TOTAL                                       -         -         -         -         -

                         TOTAL                                     75.31     10.12       5        56        1

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