Page 5 - LorrinWebb_DesignPacket
P. 5

exchange + notes

                                            You chose to work with me because you know that you will
                                            get exactly what you seek. Because of my passion, skill and exper�se in the
                                            design sphere, I can confidently tell you that
                                            not only will you get exactly what you want, but you will
                                            receive more than what you imagined was possible. Isn’t that one of the
                                            most glorious things in the world!? I hear it all the �me, and I love to serve in
                                            this way.
                                            I aim to not only deliver imagery that communicates the most polished
                                            version of yourself, but I encourage you to feel more confident and empow-
                                            ered in your passion-based business.

       Important notes

       Time to complete the design or illustra�on may vary, depending on the schedule of the designer and her business,
       Wanderite. Unexpected illness and/or emergency warrants excess �me to complete design work in accordance with the
       dura�on of the illness/emergency and will be communicated effec�vely to the client.

       It should remain clear that our agreement to work together does not mean that the client and myself are forming a joint
       venture, partnership or that I am an employee of the client. As an outside supplier of services, I am func�oning as an
       independent contractor. I have the right and retain the ability to bring in my own assistants or agents as needed.

       Copyrights to any design work and/or illustra�on created for the client are transferred to the client solely, but remain
       permanently available to the designer, Lorrin Webb, to use in representa�on of her work such as on her website, in
       por�olio, and on social media outlets if applicable.

       If the client has specific copyright needs or concerns beyond what is stated above, the client must communicate this
       effec�vely and immediately to the designer, Lorrin Webb. Any copyright needs or concerns beyond what is stated as
       standard procedure above, if not communicated effec�vely and immediately in the design process, may result in
       termina�on of design work and the loss of the client's ini�al deposit.

       additional expenses
       Addi�onal expenses and costs for the crea�on of the design will be billed accordingly to the client. Examples of this could
       include cost of paint and supplies for a mural, or materials and building supplies for an in-store visual display. These
       addi�onal costs will be calculated and clearly outlined in your invoice.

       This packet was created with ease and simplicity in mind. It is my hope that you have found it to be helpful and full
       of clarity. The following are a few more points to keep in mind, and if you have any ques�ons regarding the informa�on
       herein, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at
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