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                                    HAPPENING AROUND SISD

                                DISTRICT NEWS
                                DISTRICT NEWS

                        CUSTODIAL SERVICES

                                        Breakfast with our Custodians

                                        The custodial services department has had the privilege of having breakfast with
                                        the superintendent as well as other members of the administration team. Many
                                        topics have been discussed to include the work calendar. Most importantly we

                                        have taken the opportunity to thank the staff  for everything they have done at
                                        their respective campuses throughout the year dating back to the beginning of
                                        the pandemic, the snow storm and the vaccine drives to name a few. Custodians
                                        truly are the Unsung Heroes of our campuses and for that I thank you all.
        Superintendent Rolando Ramirez talks
        with Southside ISD Custodial Staff .

                                           FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE

        SchoolDude App

                                               The  facilities  and  maintenance  department  is  responsible  for  the
                                               preventative maintenance and repair of over 1 million square feet of

                                               Southside ISD facilities to include athletic venues. Maintaining records,
                                               labor and material cost can be cumbersome and time intensive. The
                                               department  uses  a  program  called  SCHOOL  DUDE,  this  automated
        Southside ISD Maintenance Staff .
                                               system assist the department in keeping track of all that maintenance
                                               done within the district. School Dude; give the schools easy access to
                                               submitting a work request for any work needed at their campus. These
                                               work  requests  go  directly  to  the  Maintenance  clerk  and  Director  for
                                               assignment based on priority and the level of work needed. Within the

                                               department, there are several commodities such as HVAC, plumbing,
                                               electrical, carpentry and grounds. This program has been instrumental in
        Southside ISD Maintenance Staff  using Schooldude
        Application.                           the success of the department this year and has allowed us to complete
        over 17,000 work orders in SY 2020-2021. The Maintenance, Ground and facilities department has been an

        instrumental part of the District in ensuring our students are provided with state of the art facilities and equipment.

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