Page 11 - Gi Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
P. 11

international news

                  EU UNVEILS NEW                  JAPAN VOWS TO BECOME

                  ENERGY EFFICIENCY
                  STRATEGY TO RETROFIT            CARBON NEUTRAL BY 2050
                  35M BUILDINGS

                  THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION has
                  unveiled a new energy efficiency
                  strategy that could see 35 million
                  buildings renovated and up to
                  160,000 green jobs created.
                    The strategy, named ‘Renovation
                  Wave’ will prioritise the
                  decarbonisation of heating and
                  cooling, tackling energy poverty,
                  upgrading the worst-performing                                                      JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER
                  buildings and renovating public                                                         YOSHIHIDE SUGA
                  buildings such as schools, hospitals
                  and administrative buildings,   JAPAN HAS ANNOUNCED plans        that will bring about economic growth.
                  according to Energy Live News.  to become carbon-neutral by 2050,   We need to change our mindset.”
                    The plan is to offer a set of   reports Reuters.                 According to Japan’s Ministry of
                  policy measures, funding tools and   Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga   Environment, the country’s total
                  technical assistance instruments   addressed the national parliament,   greenhouse gas emissions in the fiscal
                  that could accelerate the renovation   confirming that the country is aiming to   year 2018 were 1,244 million tonnes of
                  of buildings and the improvement of   cut 100 per cent of its greenhouse gas   carbon dioxide equivalents, a 3.6 per cent
                  their energy performance.       emissions by 2050.               decrease compared to those in 2017.
                    The European Commission         He said: “Global warming measures   One month earlier, Chinese President
                  will also examine how its funding   are no longer obstacles to economic   Xi Jinping announced the country’s
                  mechanisms could support national   growth. We need to change our   pledge to become carbon neutral by 2060.
                  energy efficiency and savings schemes   thinking to the view that taking   In the last few years, Japan has
                  targeting lower-income populations.   assertive measures against climate   been accused of being the world’s fifth
                                                  change will lead to changes in   largest emitter in the world and for not
                                                  industrial structure and the economy   taking aggressive climate action.

                  US STEPS UP SANCTIONS PRESSURE ON NORD                           are prepared to use the full range
                                                                                   of sanctions authorities to halt
                  STREAM 2 GAS PIPELINE CONTRACTORS                                construction of these pipelines,” the
                                                                                   State Department said.
                                                                                     The guidance says the US will
                  THE US STATE DEPARTMENT has      vessels laying pipe at least 100 feet below   not impose sanctions on those who
                  widened the scope of sanctions against   sea level for Nord Stream 2, TurkStream   violate the law’s “if those persons
                  the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline   pipeline or any successor project.   immediately engage in, and complete
                  and warned companies involved in   According to S&P Global Platts,   within 30 days, a good-faith wind
                  the final installation that they face   it added that companies providing   down of such activities upon the
                  sanctions if they do not wind down   “facilities for upgrades or installation   issuance of this clarification.”
                  their activities.                of equipment for those vessels,” or   The action comes after Germany’s
                    The new guidance expands on the   funding for such work also faced   Foreign Minister gave a new boost to
                  State Department’s interpretation of   potential sanctions.      the Nord Stream 2 project, saying in
                  Congress’ Protecting Europe’s Energy   “The Department of State and   October that he “assumes” the project
                  Security Act of 2019, which targets   the Department of the Treasury   will be completed.
                                                                                     A little over 150km of Nord Stream
                                                                                   2 remains to be laid in Danish and
                                                                                   German waters, but with the political
                                                                                   debate becoming ever more frenzied,
                                                                               NORD STREAM 2
                                                                                   it remains unclear how and when the
                                                                                   pipeline will be completed.
                                                                                     Russia and the US continue to trade
                                                                                   blows over the project, particularly since
                                                                                   the poisoning of Russian opposition
                   RUSSIA AND THE US CONTINUE TO
                   TRADE BLOWS OVER THE PROJECT                                    politician Alexei Navalny in August.


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