Page 14 - Gi Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
P. 14

the heat is on

                 become obsolete and new solutions are   Tests will be carried out jointly by   “The location of the site at the heart
                 likely to be needed. There will be some   NGN engineers, who will be seconded   of Teesside’s industrial cluster will
                 great opportunities for innovation in   from their work on the gas network,   galvanise the region as the perfect
                 everything from PPE to tools.”   closely supervised by a team of four   location for a growing hydrogen
                                                  experts from DNV GL and with technical   economy and the resulting prosperity
                 THE NEXT STEP: UNOCCUPIED TRIAL ON A NETWORK  input from HSE-SD.  and employment opportunities this
                 The next part of Phase 2 of the H21                               could generate.
                 project will see trials on an unused   “We have support from the    “We have support from the local
                 section of the gas network in the    local MP and Mayor, as they   MP and Mayor, as they recognise the
                 South Bank area of Middlesbrough.                                 potential of hydrogen and we hope to
                 NGN has secured the lease of the site   recognise the potential of   educate local schools about the benefits
                 from Redcar and Cleveland Council   hydrogen and we hope to       of a hydrogen future and the potential
                 and will carry out several months    educate local schools about   role it has to play in supporting the
                 of rigorous testing on an isolated    the benefits of a hydrogen   transition to a low carbon energy future.”
                 part of the network, once planning
                 consent is secured.              future and the potential role    OUTCOMES
                   The site, incorporating Pym Street   it has to play in supporting   Every conclusion and piece of evidence
                 and part of Cromwell Road, formally   the transition to a low carbon   drawn from the H21 project moves
                 housed around 70 terraced homes and   energy future”              the UK closer to realising the vision of
                 was deemed ideal for its likeness to a                            a 100 per cent zero carbon hydrogen
                 typical UK residential area. The houses                           network. Plans are now being
                 were demolished around a decade    Natural gas will be decommissioned from   developed for H21 Phase 3, a small-
                 ago but, as the underground network   the pipes and replaced with hydrogen.    scale demonstration to take place in
                 has since been untouched, the gas   Key procedures will then be interrogated   2022. This would involve supplying
                 infrastructure and other utilities, along   including venting and purging, under   100 per cent hydrogen to around 100
                 with the carriageways and footpaths   pressure drilling, live repairs, dead and   homes on a public gas network.
                 remain intact.                   live insertions, new connections, flow   The H21 co-ordinated work
                   The trials will provide further vital   stops and network modelling.   programme brings together the very best
                 evidence about the compatibility of   A hydrogen boiler will be onsite and   brains and engineers in the gas industry.
                 the existing gas network to distribute   fed by the network to demonstrate that   The collaborative nature of the project
                 hydrogen. Every operation reviewed by   a clean gas boiler can perform as well   is avoiding a replication in research by
                 the HSE-SD and tested at Spadeadam   as a natural gas boiler, while replicating   different gas distribution networks and
                 will be replicated at the South Bank site.   the look and feel of the boilers already   minimising the investment and resulting
                   NGN will initially spend three months   installed in 85 per cent of UK homes   cost to the customer.
                 modifying the site by isolating existing   connected to the gas network.  Ultimately the project’s numerous
                 pipework and laying new pipework   NGN Project Manager Neil Travers   findings will be fed into government to
                 to create a loop. The pipes currently   explains more about the trial: “Previous   influence a policy decision about the
                 run from the front to the back of the   phases of work have involved taking our   future of hydrogen.
                 site but, by laying additional mains to   assets to a facility to be tested with hydrogen.
                 form a loop, flows can be measured as   The South Bank project brings hydrogen      For more information about the H21
                 hydrogen returns to the network.    to a live gas network for the first time.  programme, visit


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