Page 15 - Gi_March2021
P. 15


                                                        A HYDROGEN TRAIN                                  TESTING FACILITY

                 home, so when you’re burning hydrogen   brand new network in the UK, made   I think Radius Systems has grown up
                 you won’t have to be concerned that   of brand new materials of the type   enough to have a moral perspective on
                 it’s burning properly. So from a safety   we supply today. Hydrogen would   life as much as a commercial
                 perspective, that is not an issue   be created from renewable energy   perspective, and I think we fully believe
                 anymore. From an environmental   sources, from wind and solar energy,   that no one single source or type of
                 perspective, it’s very good. Hydrogen is   through electrolysis. One hundred per   energy is going to solve the challenges
                 very promising. It’s not as scary as you   cent hydrogen will be injected into a   that we have. We feel it’s a sensible
                 think, and once you use it the right way   network, bringing the new fuel source   and practical part of the future energy
                 it’s very easy to get along with.   to the local population. It will go ahead   mix that we need, and we believe that
                                                  for construction later this year and we   it’s practical to achieve the kind of goals
                 DM: Our own journey into hydrogen   have helped to deliver the groundwork   that people have.
                 started with the first project in the UK,   to enable that to happen.   I think what we wanted was to prove
                 called HyDeploy. This is a project to   There will be other hydrogen   that it is a viable pathway. It’s interesting
                 run hydrogen through a private gas   opportunities. There are lots of   that people are talking about a future in
                 network, which is part of the Keele   people getting very interested in   which polyethylene pipe systems will
                 University estate. It has a range of   this and creating projects, but from   be used, and hydrogen would be the
                 assets within it and what they were able   a perspective of gas distribution in   gas that they would convey. That’s the
                 to do is carry out a scientific study to   terms of how it reaches most people,   market that we sit in. You know, our core
                 show they can gradually increase the   HyDeploy is a good starting point. H100   business is to make polyethylene pipes,
                 level of hydrogen content safely without   and the Leeds H21 project that seek to   to make the fitting systems to innovate in
                 people seeing any change. Some   do conversion, these are all large scale,   that area, to try and keep going with the
                 questions were asked of us as a supplier   big thinking projects.   times as societal demands change, and
                 at the time, so we became involved as   With our history of over 50 years in   to deliver the solutions that people want.
                 a technical support to the investigators   the gas industry – we supplied the very   Hydrogen is at the heart of it, but from our
                 of that project to understand how   first polyethylene pipes in 1969 through   perspective, so is polyethylene.
                 we could join onto pipes that had a   our former DuPont heritage with our
                 hydrogen-methane blend. That was the   Aldyl pipe system – we have the ability    Radius Systems develops safe and
                 start of our journey into hydrogen. This   to take some of those pipes back, put   quality polyethylene pipeline components
                 led to the invitation to be involved in a   them into the facilities that we now   for the utilities and construction
                 bigger project called H100 (Hydrogen   have, and say, “these could actually be   industries. For more information visit
                 100). This is a project to build the first   used for hydrogen in the future.”


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