Page 9 - Gi_March2021
P. 9
industry & government news
GREEN HOMES GRANT: installations and feel the extreme
frustration that the industry is
experiencing at this time.”
UK STANDARDS BODY CALLS adviser to the government for the
Rippin said MCS was acting as an
scheme. He said he was calling for more
ON GOVERNMENT TO PAY UP openness around the way the green
homes grants were being run.
He said: “We have reiterated our
call for more transparency in how
the scheme is administered and for
THE INDUSTRY STANDARDS body for had given approximately 25 per cent of greater efficiencies in terms of releasing
renewable energy installers is calling householders who had applied approval installer payments.
on the government to immediately to carry out work. “The role of MCS is to protect
rectify the failure to pay businesses for But installers who spoke to The installers and consumers by upholding
work on the Green Homes Grant, which Guardian said they would not be doing rigorous industry standards. In doing
some companies say is leading to rising any more work until they were paid so, we are fully invested in protecting
debts and job losses. the tens of thousands of pounds owed our certified installers’ interests.”
Installers of renewable energy by the government dating back to last One installer of spray foam
systems have been left unpaid for autumn. insulation, who did not want to be
several months by the government, The contract to run the grants named, said the government owed him
while long delays are putting members was awarded to a large American £68,000 and despite speaking every day
of the public off the scheme, reports global consulting firm ICF. Details of to the grant call centre he had still not
The Guardian. Ian Rippin, who leads the contract amount have not been been paid for the work.
the Microgeneration Certification published. He said: “They are ruining my
Scheme (MCS), said he has spoken to Rippin, who runs the organisation business. I am technically insolvent
the government about the “numerous which sets industry standards for now, and I have had to lay people off
issues” that have come to light relating renewable energy providers, said he and shut one of my branches.”
to the flagship £2 billion Green Homes was talking to the government about ICF did not respond to The Guardian’s
Grant scheme. overcoming many issues. He said requests for a comment.
The grants are intended to help the he wanted the MCS to become more A BEIS spokesperson said: “Ministers
UK move to net zero carbon emissions involved in the administration of the have asked the scheme administrator
by 2050 by providing financial help grants after installers complained of to pay money owed to installers as a
for householders to switch from fossil delays, inefficient communication and a matter of urgency.
fuel systems to renewable energy. The lack of expert knowledge. “Over 18,000 Green Homes Grant
grants – of £5,000 and £10,000 – also Rippin said: “We welcomed the green vouchers have already been issued, with
cover the installation of insulation to homes grant, and remain committed to more going out every day, helping us
make homes more energy efficient. it, though we are firm in our demand improve the energy efficiency of homes,
The government has promised that that the ongoing issues around as we build back greener from the
600,000 householders will be helped payments need rectifying immediately. Covid-19 pandemic. We also continue
to make their homes less carbon “As the standards organisation to work with customers and installers to
intensive. The Department for Business, for domestic renewables, we fully ensure they are clear on the information
Energy and Industrial Strategy said four understand the cost – in both time and checks required, so that vouchers
months after the scheme was set up, it and money – of domestic renewable can be paid as quickly as possible.”
11/02/2021 08:48
News.indd 4
News.indd 4 11/02/2021 08:48