Page 98 - Jim Whippy - Reeds Knot Handbook
P. 98
Perfected whipping is another excellent way of preventing
the ends of a rope from fraying or unravelling. Once again
it is best to use waxed twine which should be wound as
tightly as possible.
One thing to note is that during the wrapping the loop
itself will twist, which makes the tightening of the whipping
very difficult. To avoid this, remember to twist the right hand wrap and tucK Knots
trapped end clockwise, to insert a few deliberate twists in
the working loop before you start. Because they are twisted
in the opposite direction to the ones the loop will make,
they gradually disappear as you wrap.
Make a large loop in
a length of whipping
Lay the rope inside
the loop so that the
working end is on top,
running parallel with
the standing end.
Rev_Reeds_Knots_inside pages.indd 97 16/07/2012 23:39