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Worldwide impact in snapshots

        The Athens Sunrise Rotary Club’s “Paddle   Marietta Rotary cleaned and repaired 40   The Rotary Club of Newark hosts the 43rd
        for Polio” raised funds for RI’s End Polio   historical markers (originally installed by   Free Enterprise Academy, made possible by
        campaign.                            the club), in locations throughout their   a District Grant, for 42 students from Licking
                                             community.                           County area high schools.

        The Scioto Career Technical Center Culinary   The Wellston Rotary Club assisted TLC   The Rotary III fire truck is available for your
        Class joined the Rotary Club of Portsmouth to   Ministries with their monthly dinner and food   community’s parades or events. A minimum
        host the 2018 Fish Fry.              pantry serving children and adults.  donation of $250 is requested, which will be
                                                                                  donated to Rotary’s End Polio Campaign.

    Rotarian Spotlight: Spencer Barker

 Rotary New Generation Exchange  A Spotlight? Spencer Barker deserves

                          thousands of shimmering lights. As     Spencer’s involvement with the Newark-Heath Rotary extends
                          president of the board of directors    back to his high school days when his father brought him
                          for the Licking County Courthouse      along as a guest to club meetings. Spencer took the mission
                          Lighting Committee, he plays in integral   to heart, becoming Rotaract President at OSU/Newark. After
                          role in perpetuating holiday and       his dad’s passing in 2014, Spencer took the vacant Newark-
                          commemorative courthouse lighting      Heath board seat and today he is serving as President.
                          displays that have delighted this      Spencer’s Rotary Moment came shortly after joining the board
                          community for generations. It’s a labor   and participating in the Club’s dictionary distribution mission.
                          of love, following in his late-father’s
       (John C. “Jay” Barker) footsteps.                         “The impact we had on those kids - seeing the appreciation
                                                                 on their faces - it meant everything to them and to me, “says
       Born and raised in the county, Spencer graduated from     Spencer. “Yes, it’s a print dictionary to kids living in a digital
       Granville High School and The Ohio State University. Then   world, but to them it was very valuable.”
       Spencer expanded his resume by attending the Ohio Auction
       School to become a State of Ohio Licensed Auctioneer      Always plugged in to the needs of his community, Spencer
       followed by licensure as a Real Estate Agent.             attends Second Presbyterian Church in Downtown Newark
                                                                 and sits on the governing board of the church. He is a board
       Today this fast-talking sales expert owns both a local    member of The LICCO Supporting Foundation, and a member
       marketing agency, Elite Marketing and iSAB Video          the Licking County Republican Party Executive Committee.
       Productions. Spencer also is a Community Manager for      He is also an active member of the Young Leaders of Licking
       NEWORK Space in Downtown Newark, a privately held co-     County.
       working space.
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