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You Can Be Part of District                                                         LATE SEPTEMBER
   6690 Newsletters!

   HERE’S HOW:                                                                   29     ATHENS SUNRISE ROTARY
                                                                                        WALKS TO END ALZHEIMERS
      1     Send information and pictures for your club’s events,                29     RO-TALKS, DISTRICT

                                                                                        6690 FALL TRAINING,
            programs or fundraisers.
                                                                                        PICKERINGTON, OHIO
      2     Submit a photo and caption celebrating your club for              CALENDAR OF EVENTS

            our "Around District 6690" feature.

            Tell us about your “Flash” project - a quick service
            project that can be done at a meeting, such as preparing
      3 dictionaries for distribution, writing letters to veterans,
            or filling backpacks, that engages your members in
            a worthwhile project.  Submit photo(s) and a brief
            paragraph for consideration!
      *    Submit to the District Newsletter Editor Julie Colley                 6       GROVE CITY ROTARY

                                                                                         OKTOBERFEST FALL

           at by the 15th of each month.
                                                                                 8       PATASKALA BATTLE FOR
                                                                                         BROAD ST. SPAGHETTI
                    Nomination for District Governor                             9-      DINNER FUNDRAISER
                                                                                         ROTARY ZONES 30 & 31
                    for Rotary Year 2021-22 Due                                  14      INSTITUTE, MONTGOMERY,
     NOVEMBER       November 24!                                                         AL.
      24            The District 6690 Nominations Committee is now               20      MARIETTA MORNING
                                                                                         TAILS AND ALES – AN
                    accepting nominations for Governor of District 6690 for              OLD FASHIONED LOBSTER
                    Rotary Year 2021-2022.  The District Governor Nominee                BAKE
                    Form may be found on the district website noted              20      WELLSTON 2ND ANNUAL
                    above. Nominations must be approved by the nominee’s
   club board and the fully complete nomination form, including a recent                 DAN LOCKARD MEMORIAL
                                                                                         GOLF OUTING
   photograph, submitted to Shane Pyle, iPDG, by November 24, 2018.
                                                                                 22      CLINTONVILLE ROTARY
   Send to:       Shane Pyle, iPDG                                                       PINTS FOR POLIO
                  Chair, District 6690 Nominating Committee
                  647 Ridgewood Drive, Coshocton, OH 43812                       24      WORLD POLIO DAY
   Email to:
                                                                                 25      CHILLICOTHE WORLD
                                                                                         POLIO DAY EVENT AT
                                                                                         SLEEPY HOLLOW

                                                OUR VISION                                       2019

                                                                                March 8-9, 2019
                                              TOGETHER, WE SEE A                ALL-OHIO PETS (PRESIDENT-ELECT
                                            WORLD WHERE PEOPLE                  TRAINING), COLUMBUS, OHIO
                                            UNITE AND TAKE ACTION
         6650  6690                            TO CREATE LASTING                April 12-13, 2019
                                               CHANGE — ACROSS                  BETTER TOGETHER, DISTRICTS 6690 &
                                               THE GLOBE, IN OUR                6650 CONFERENCE, HILTON POLARIS
                                               AND IN OURSELVES.                May 18, 2019
                                                                                DISTRICT ASSEMBLY
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