Page 2 - Rotary Newsletter 2018 December
P. 2
Curiosity, Courage and Conviction
It’s traditional that the first Rotarian But she also sees that maybe the path they’re on isn’t the
magazine of the Rotary year best path. Maybe, just maybe, there’s a better path over
carries a profile of the incoming RI there, and she wants to get a good look before she goes
president and his or her family. marching on with her friends. And if, when she does stop
I’ve always read those profiles with and look, that new path does seem better, she’ll call the
rest of the crew to come over and check it out with her.
interest, never giving much thought
Barry Rassin to the possibility that one day, I And maybe, just maybe, they’ll all choose that better path
might be the one bringing a writer
from the magazine to my Rotary club Change is hard. And the longer we’ve been
meeting! I have never liked a lot of going one way, the more friends we have
attention, and the idea of having my with us, the harder it is to be the one who
picture on the magazine cover made turns around and does it differently. But
me a bit uncomfortable. But when change — not change for its own sake, but
I saw the photo the editors chose, careful, considered, goal-directed change
I smiled. Because the star of that — is essential for any organization that
picture definitely isn’t me, or even my wants to evolve, stay relevant, and move
wife, Esther. It’s the flock of flamingos, forward in the right direction.
none of which could care less about So take a look at that picture, but don’t
Rotary, all strutting past us in the look at me. I’m not the one that cover’s
same direction. All of them — except about. That cover is about the flamingo.
one. It’s about having the curiosity, the courage,
I couldn’t think of a more appropriate and the conviction to look at different
image to reflect the message I want to convey to paths that might be better — whether you’re out for a
Rotarians. That one flamingo, going the other way, stroll on a beautiful Bahamas morning, or helping chart
represents so much of what we need to do in Rotary. That the course for our organization.
flamingo knows everyone’s going one way. She sees it.
Zanesville Daybreak Rotarian named
Maryjane Shackelford, Zanesville Professionally, Maryjane is the President and Co-Owner of
Daybreak Rotary, has been Barnes Advertising Corporation in Zanesville, Ohio. Barnes
named District Governor Nominee Advertising is fifth-generation family-owned Outdoor
Designate and will serve as District Advertising business with more than 600 faces in 15
6690 Governor in 2021-2022. counties throughout Southeastern Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Maryjane Shackelford joined Rotary Community Service is very important to Maryjane. She
in 2007 becoming a member of The has served on the Boards of the Muskingum Family Y,
Rotary Club of Zanesville Daybreak. Muskingum County Incubator and Zanesville Downtown
She has served in a number of Association. She also served on the United Way of
committees throughout her Rotary career including Public Muskingum, Perry and Morgan Counties Allocation
Image Chair, World Community Service Co-Chair, Rotary Committee for seven years. Currently, she is serving
Youth Exchange Officer and Sergeant-at-Arms. One of her as a member of the Women of Achievement Planning
proudest moments was becoming the Club’s President, Committee, is a member of the Zane State 50th
serving during the 2015-16 Rotary year. During her term Anniversary Steering Committee and is serving as a
as President, The Rotary Club of Zanesville Daybreak Board Member of the Muskingum County Community
received the Gold Presidential Citation issued by PRI Foundation.
President K. R. Ravindran. Maryjane was Rotarian of the Maryjane is a past Women of Achievement recipient,
Year in 2010/2011 and received the “Bebe Grant” Service receiving The Mary Vasht Jones Funk Business Award
Above Self Award in 2017/2018. in 2007. In 2016, she was named an American Red
On the District level, Maryjane has served as Public Image Cross Hometown Hero and by the Zanesville Jaycees, a
Chair and District Conference 2017-2018 Co-Chair and is Community Service Honoree Jaycees.
currently serving as Assistant Governor to five clubs. Maryjane is married to one of the most amazingly talented
Maryjane is a multiple Paul Harris Fellow, Paul Harris and creative people on the planet, Jeff Shackelford.
Society Member, 125 Club Member and a Bequest Society Between the two of them, they have four children and two
Member. grandchildren. Maryjane and Jeff reside in Zanesville with
their six fur babies (cats).