Page 3 - Rotary Newsletter 2018 December
P. 3

Around District 6690

        New Albany Rotary, New Albany Country   Members of the West Lafayette Rotary Club   St. Clairsville Interact Member Gavin Shields
        Club and the Salvation Army partner together   cut the ribbon on a new food pantry, partially   delivers toys collected by the Rotary Club of
        to support the Angel Tree Program providing   funded by a District 6690 grant.  St. Clairsville and his Interact Club to children
        gifts and toys for children in need.                                      in need.

        Newark Rotarians prepare to host 80 special   Athens Sunrise Rotarians deliver coffee and   Kirt Trimble and members of the Rotary Club
        needs children and their teachers for a   cards to local police and fire departments as   of Delaware assist with Distribution Day
        bowling and pizza party.             part of their #Rotary30 project – spreading   at the Delaware County People in Need
                                             random acts of kindness!

    Rotarian Spotlight: BJ Stone


                                      The famous neon           Brent Rosenthal was District 6690 Governor in
                                      lights of Broadway        2011-12 when BJ stepped up to the presidency of
                                      are ceremoniously         the Dublin-Worthington Rotary. He remembers
                                      dimmed at the pass-       how anxious BJ was to assume the role and how he
                                      ing of its brightest      encouraged her saying, “Someone who worried so
                                      stars. This month, our    much about doing well was bound to be success-
                                      Rotarian Spotlight        ful.” And she was.
                                      must do the same at       Brent recalls how much he enjoyed working with BJ
                                      the passing of one of     that year. He also chuckles to remember BJ’s outgo-
                                      our own luminaries.       ing personality, “There were two kinds of people in
                                      BJ Stone, past presi-     the world, BJ’s friends and those who soon would
                                      dent of the Rotary of     be BJ’s friends.”  Brent remembers BJ for bringing
                                      Dublin-Worthington        such personality and life into Rotary – and oh yes
    died suddenly on November 7, 2018 as the result of a        - conversation.  “In fact”, he says, “BJ’s husband
    house fire at her Muirfield address.                        actually brought a kitchen timer to BJ’s installation
    Described as “warm, bubbly and full of life”, BJ devoted    dinner to jokingly remind her not to talk too much
    herself to her Central Ohio community through Rota-         during her acceptance speech.”
    ry, the Worthington Chamber of Commerce, the COSI           At the time of her death BJ was a realtor with Keller
    Community Board, the Country Club of Muirfield, the         Williams in Dublin. This, after having successfully
    Ronald McDonald House and the Arthritis Foundation of       completed a 31-year career with Telhio Credit Union.
    Ohio.  She was 2010 Rotarian of the Year for her Dub-       BJ had a passion for people, for conversation and
    lin-Worthington club.                                       for traveling with her husband and family.  May her
                                                                light live on in them and in us.
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