Page 44 - Literati Bytes
P. 44
Travelling Alien Save Nature
Let me introduce myself, I am “Chandu” coming from Moon. I Once upon time there was a king. He lived in big palace.
was playing with my friends and roaming on the moon but at
some point, there was big noise and darken around. Then now He had one little princess. She was very beautiful and
I landed in Sanghvi in difficult situation & met Miss. Samanata. cute. She was loving and caring too. Everyone wants to
Miss. Samatata saw me and gave me first AID, food and went talk with her. One day she saw some flowers in her
to her home. When her parents saw me, they were surprised
but looking my situation they provided me space to take rest garden were very sad. She felt very bad. She asked
in Samanata room. They put my communicator on charging. them,”Why are you so sad?”Flowers told her now a day’s
Next day when I woke up I was surprised to see around all are becoming very cruel. Everyone the trees for their
beautiful lighten home with lamp and flowers and this need. So my friends are becoming less.Some of them
Samanata says it is festive and holiday season. We met her
friends and had party but that day due to heavy rains, lots of loose their parents.they are alone now.Rain is also angry
trouble was caused around due to floods. Farmers were because of their activity.Noone is thinking about nature.This
crying, dying because efforts taken by them went waste . is very bad.If this happens again and again then one day I
Samanata asked me ‘’Chandu we must do something? Can you will also became alone.The beautiful nature will become
help me to stop the rain with you power or we can collect ugly.Oh..dear friend please save nature and my
some donation and contribute to help flood affected friend.Princess thought something and ran towards her
people/farmers?’’ father. She told everything to his father about flowers
We prepare some donation box and asked peoples in society, sadness. She requested her father please do something.Then
friends to donate money – food -cloths etc and provided king ordered don’t cut trees. He made rules to save
small help from our end. I asked Samanata I cannot use my
special power because we have disturbed the whole life cycle, trees.Now flowers are happy and so princess too.The nature
surrounding with tree cutting – water pollution- air pollution. become very beautiful now.So friends plant more trees and
We must stop this first with lot of awareness and save nature.
responsibility and taken oath with her parent’s society Anavi Raskar (II)
members and friends.
Samanata Bodhi (II)