Page 45 - Literati Bytes
P. 45

Save Mother Earth And                                                                                                    Save Water Save Life

                             Save Our Own Mother                                                                                  A boy is filling water in a pot and a bucket. The

                 Mother earth is sick. She is coughing.                                                                           water is not overflowing from the pot. He is

                                                                                                                                  filling as much water as he wants only. He is not
                 Because we pollute mother earth. We throw
                                                                                                                                  wasting water. Water is very important for us.
                 garbage on the roads and rivers. This makes

                                                                                                                                  We use water for drinking, bathing, cooking,
                 the roads and rivers smell badly. We put
                                                                                                                                  brushing, washing clothes and utensils, for

                 Ganapati idols in rivers, its chemical paints
                                                                                                                                  putting out fire, watering plants and many

                 mix with the water and the fishes in the
                                                                                                                                  more. We use water for almost everything.

                 water die. The vehicles give out smoke which                                                                     We cannot live without water. We will die without

                 mixes with the air and so the air gets dirty.                                                                    water.

                 This is why the earth gets dirty.
                                                                                                                                  We should save water. We should close the taps

                        Mother earth is very important to us. We                                                                  properly and not let water leak. Do not use

                 should put boards and tell people not to                                                                         showers but use buckets. Use showers for 5-6

                 throw garbage. We should put garbage in the                                                                      minutes. Repair leaked pipes. Take only as much

                 dustbin. Ganapati idols must not be put in                                                                       water as you want to use. Do not throw the

                 rivers. We should use cycles. Use trains,                                                                        extra water. Water the plants with used water.

                 buses and other public transports. We should                                                                     Wash vehicles with as less water as possible.

                 take care of our mother earth like our own                                                                       Reuse water. SAVE WATER, SAVE LIFE.

                 . mother.                                           Sairaj Padwal (II)                                                                                                     Sairaj Padwal (II)
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