Page 115 - STMT 2nd Edition
P. 115
17. In all my relationships, with my parents, siblings, my life
partner or my friends, I only give love and seek love.
18. I give out love and it is returned to me multiplied many fold.
19. The partner I seek is also seeking me. We are brought together
now through infinite love, to the satisfaction of all.
20. I am in love with a wonderful person who is caring, committed,
loyal, trustworthy and understanding.
Important Note
Apart from repeating the affirmations which will develop "love thinking"
and consequently help you radiate love thoughts, which will attract similar
thinking men, you need to perform certain actions that show your
personality in favorable light.
Small things like saying thank you, and accepting compliment. Being in
love is a fantastic feeling, difficult to put into words and I wish you All the
Best for it.