Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 9-18-15 Edition
P. 11

Movie Reviews/Horoscopes/Soaps
The Perfect Guy - A cor- porate executive (Sanaa Lathan) breaks up with her boyfriend (Morris Chestnut) and soon gets involved with a man (Michael Ealy) who seems almost too good to be true. The Perfect Guy. One of the two goes psycho when they can’t get her back. Re- ally enjoyed it! Must-see! No.1 at box office. Made $26M. (Budget $12M). ****
The Transporter Refu- eled - Filmed in France, for- mer special-ops Frank Martin (Ed Skrein) is set-up by a female fatale (Loan Cha- banol) and her dangerous sidekicks who want revenge against a Russian kingpin (Radivoje Bukvic). Ray Stevenson also stars as his dad. This movie received bad reviews by the critics, but if you want to see an action- packed film, then this one is for you. Enjoyed it, especially the very end. Made $13M. (Budget – N/A) ***1⁄2
War Room - Directed by Alex Kendrick, this film was about Priscilla Shirer and T.C. Stalling as husband and wife who turn to Miss Clara
(Karen Abercrombie) for strategic prayer to help their volatile relationship. This faith-based movie was sur- prisingly very good. 2hrs long. Must see! Made $39M. (Budget $39M). ****
No Escape - An Ameri- can family (Owen Wilson, Lake Bell) soon find them- selves caught in the middle of an overseas coup, and they have to frantically look for a safe escape, because the rebels are executing all Americans and foreigners. Perce Brosnan also stars. Made $24M. (Budget N/A). ***
Hitman: Agent 47 - An assassin-Agent 47 (Rupert Friend) searches for a woman (Hannah Ware) who unknowingly is more lethal than he, to help her find her scientist father before the other assassins. This movie received bad reviews from the critics, but if you want to see Agent 47 get busy killing people, then this film is for you. Enjoyed it! Only 1 hr./30 mins. long. Made $21M. (Budget $35M). ***1⁄2
Straight Outta Comp- ton - The supergroup NWA (Niggas With Attitudes - Eazy E, Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, MC Ren and DJ Yella) emerge from the streets of Compton, California in the mid 80s and introduced the world to gangsta rap. The music and movie was about life in Compton with gangs, drugs, police brutality and how the group rose to fame despite the odds. Director F. Gary Gray (Friday) directed a masterpiece. Ice Cube (played by his son, O’Shea Jackson, Jr.), Eazy E(Jason Mitchell), Dr. Dre ( Corey Hawkins), MC Ren (Aldis Hodge), and DJ Yella (Neil Brown, Jr.) and manager Jerry Heller (Paul Giamatti) were all excellent. This movie should be nominated for an Oscar for best picture. You definitely can’t MISS this film based on the history of Hip Hop music. Didn’t feel like it was 2 hrs./30 mins. long. (Classic)! Made $155M. (Budget $28M). Five Stars
Fantastic Four - Four young astronauts (Michael Jordan, Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell) teleport to another universe which al- ters their physical form. The Four must learn how to use their power to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy, Dr. Doom (Toby Kebbell).The director and film received bad reviews and criticism, because he changed Johnny Storm played by Jordan to a Black superhero. This reboot is still worth seeing! Made $55M/ Foreign $101M. (Budget $59M). **1⁄2
The Gift (2015) - A mar- ried couple’s lives (Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall) are thrown into a mysterious tailspin when an old high school mate (Joel Edgerton) from the husband’s past brings gifts to their house and reveal an horrific secret that happened 20 years ago. Director/actor Edgerton did an excellent job with this pyscho/ thriller. Whose side are you on? Made $39M. (Budget $5M). ****
Mission: Impossible- Rogue Nation - Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise), super agent Illsa (Rebecca Fergu- son), and the team (Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames and Je- remy Renner) take on The Syndicate - an International Rogue Organization as highly skilled as they are. The Syndicate’s main purpose is to destroy the IMF and assassinate top offi- cials. Director Christopher McQuarrie did a great job with the special effects and storyline. This film was very entertaining. A must- see! Made $188M. (Budget $150M). **** and then some.
BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Rick and Maya realize they still have obstacles to face. Bill and Katie pay Steffy and Liam a visit. Brooke urges Ridge to share his secret with Caro- line. Steffy tries to make sure Liam is still loyal to her.
DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Bo senses Hope is in dan- ger and doubles his efforts to return home. Gabi is re- leased from prison! Marlena puts Chad under hypnosis to uncover the truth behind the two murders.
GENERAL HOSPITAL - Julian asks Alexis to come away with him. Ava goes on
trial and later makes an un- pleasant discovery. Dante confides in Nathan about his guilt, while Valerie ques- tions what she feels for Dante. Morgan pressures TJ to disclose important infor- mation. Ava has a surprise visitor who is able to help her case. Paul calls in a favor to help Dillon. Emma, Anna and Sam have a surprise planned for Patrick.
YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Sharon con- fides in Nick. The walls close in on Neil. Adam warns Ian to stay away from Chelsea. Victor wants Marisa out of Genoa City. Adam tries to help Phyllis.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Get into an intensive learning phase today and to- morrow. Write your discov- eries. Apply gleaned solutions to your home situ- ation. Discipline with house- hold and family issues bears fruit between now and 2017, with Saturn in Sagittarius.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Make money and pay bills over the next few days. Discipline with communica- tions provides success, with Saturn in Sagittarius until 2017. Online promotions and community connections grow your venture. Partici- pate in conversations for possibility.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Enjoy a two-day self- confident phase, with the Moon in your sign. You’re even more powerful than usual. Persistence and deter- mination earn growing fi- nancial reward, with Saturn back in Sagittarius (until 2017). Focus for profitable results.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 21) — Peace and quiet soothe your spirit today and tomorrow. You’re especially sensitive. Follow a personal passion, with Saturn in Sagittarius until 12/19/17. Consider how to align your energies toward serving what and who you love.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 19) — Friends inspire creative collaborations. Hold parties and meetings today and tomorrow. With Saturn in Sagittarius (until 2017), shift plans to increase focus on activities that fulfill you mentally, physically and spiritually. Contribute for the common good.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18) — Focus on your career today and tomorrow. Assume authority, and keep your promises. Do your best on the test. Friends provide necessary connections, with Saturn in Sagittarius (until 2017). Participate in a com-
munity conversation.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Conditions are better for travel over the next two days. New opportunities present themselves. Plan a business trip. Professional expansion, with Saturn in Sagittarius (until 12/19/17), thrives with expanding terri- tory. Take charge.
Aries (March 21-April 19) — Attend to finances today and tomorrow, under the Scorpio Moon. Study money, and review your re- sources. Indulge a passion. Enjoy an educational expan- sion phase (until 2017), as Saturn re-enters Sagittarius. Learn by going to the source.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Share the load today and tomorrow, but hold on to the responsibility. Work in partnership, for best re- sults. Make long-term finan- cial plans and investments, as Saturn re-enters Sagittar- ius (until 2017). Nurture your family’s business or garden.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) — It’s getting busy today and tomorrow. Draw upon hidden resources as the pace quickens. Until 12/19/17 (with Saturn back in Sagit- tarius), partnership holds the key to success. Develop and nurture your relation- ships, friendships and love.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Today and tomorrow are reserved for fun. Go play. Love blossoms and feeds your spirit. Rejuvenate mind and body with exercise and interesting scenery. Balance is the key to excellence with Saturn in Sagittarius (until 2017).
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Home and family enter- tain you today and tomor- row. The gentle approach works best. Step up your game with Saturn in Sagit- tarius until 2017. Focus on passion projects and causes. You can achieve your aim. Play for love.

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