Page 9 - Florida Sentinel 9-18-15 Edition
P. 9
More Organizations Can Apply For West Tampa Advisory Committee Seat
On July 23rd, Drew Park and West Tampa Develop- ment Manager, Jeanette LaRussa Fenton, made a presentation to the Tampa Community Redevelopment Area Board of the structure that would define the Com- munity Advisory Committee (CAC).
After some discussion and the request by CRA Board Chair Yolie Capin to have each organization provide minutes covering a year of their meetings to confirm their organizational status and activity, the structure was approved.
Ms. Fenton’s approved structure was to have an 11- member West Tampa CAC, that would be comprised of 3 at-large seats, and 8 ex-officio seats that would be filled by a representative from each of the 8 West Tampa commu- nity groups selected. O n September 10th at another CRA board meeting, that process was rescinded.
“The CRA Board did not take action on the 8 ex-officio appointments,” said Ms. Fenton.
“Instead, they rescinded their prior action approving the ex officio organizations
that would be a part of the West Tampa CRA Commu- nity Advisory Committee and directed that any organiza- tions operating within the West Tampa CRA that seek ex officio seats on the com- mittee should apply for con- sideration.
“Applications will be available at a later date and more information will be pro- vided once the organization recruitment and application process is developed.”
The previously selected 8 officio organizations were the West Tampa CDC, West Tampa Alliance, West Tampa Community Council, West Tampa Chamber of Com- merce, Old West Tampa Neighborhood Association, West Riverfront Crime Watch and Neighborhood Associa- tion, North Hyde Park Civic Association, and the North Hyde Park Neighborhood As- sociation.
Those organizations, along with any others, can apply for the 8 ex-officio seats available as the 3 at-large seats were filled with the se- lections of Jeffrey Rhodes, Ken Perry, and Marvin Knight.
Crosswalks Installations Come With Public Education
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
During 2014, four stu- dents were struck while at- tempting to cross busy roadways in Hillsborough County. One of the students died, two others suffered seri- ous injuries and the fourth was also hospitalized.
Since that time, the focus of elected officials has been to educate the public and make it safer for pedestrians to cross the streets.
Recently, Hillsborough County Public Works in- stalled new Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at crosswalks on N. 50th Street between Fowler and Fletcher Avenues. The installations are part of a $70,000 pedestrian safety initiative in the area.
The beacons flash rapidly
FRANK REDDICK City Council Chairman
to alert motorists of foot traf- fic in the area. Earlier this week, the Hillsborough County Center for Urban Transportation Research handed out information about the new beacons to res- idents walking in the area. The County will also host a se- ries of presentations to in-
crease awareness of the new beacons.
In November of last year, Courtney Neusch, a stu- dent at the University of South Florida was seriously injured while using a cross- walk on N. 50th Street.
City Council Chairman Frank Reddick said the De- partment of Transportation is also making inroads towards pedestrian safety. “DOT has placed the crosswalks in the areas where there is a high in- flux of people trying to cross the street on East Hillsbor- ough Avenue.”
Councilman Reddick
said his office has received numerous calls from citizens inquiring about the lights.
The crosswalks are being installed along Hillsborough Avenue between N. 50th Street and N. Nebraska Avenue.
Blake High School Class Of 1966 To Hold Meeting
The Blake High School Class of 1966 will have a Breakfast Meeting on Thursday September 25th, at 10:30 a.m. The meeting will be held at the Open Café, 3222 N. 34th Street.
The presence of all classmates is requested. For those in need of transportation, call (813) 453-6887.