Page 18 - Florida Sentinel 9-18-15 Edition
P. 18
Activities & Events
Meet In The Zone!
Meet the 2nd Monday of the Month at the Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library at 6:30 p. m. to meet entrepreneurs and learn about innovative products. Your questions and suggestions will help them steer their projects success- fully across the "Alligator Zone." This is a family event for 7 year olds and older. The next meeting will be October 12th. Reserve your spot.
Scheduled Events
Saturday, 9/19, from 3:30-4:30 p. m. - Tech Blvd. at the Riverview Library.
Monday, 9/21, from 2-3 p. m. - Mouse and keyboard information at the Riverview Library.
Monday, 9/21, from 6-7 p. m. - Ask a lawyer at the 78th Street Community Li- brary.
Tuesday, 9/22, from 12:15-2:15 p. m. - Computer Tutoring at the C. Blythe An- drews, Jr. Library.
Tuesday, 9/22, from 6:30-7:30 p. m. - Cookbook Club: What's for Breakfast? at the Riverview Library.
Wednesday, 9/23, from
10:30-11:30 a. m. - Online Photo Editing at the Seminole Heights Library.
Wednesday, 9/23, from 2-4 p. m. - Landscape Paint- ing in Acrylic at the Seminole Heights Library.
Wednesday, 9/23, from 3:30-4:30 p. m. - Kids Code at the C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. Li- brary.
Thursday, 9/24, from 11 a. m. – 12 p.m. - Job Counsel- ing, Assistance with Resumes, etc. at the West Tampa Li- brary.
Friday, 9/25, from 2:30- 4 p. m. - You can manage your diabetes! at the Riverview Library.
Saturday, 9/26, from 10:30-11:30 a. m. - Hills- borough County Bar Associa- tion Library Series: Litigating Common Consumer Prob- lems at the West Tampa Li- brary.
Saturday, 9/26, from 2- 4 p. m. – Kick-start your Health and Vegetarian Cook- ing at the Seminole Heights Library.
For a full calendar of events and classes at any of the local libraries in your areas call 813-273-3652 or go visit the library website:
September Birthdays Celebrants
Happy birthday wishes are sent to the following per- sons: Devin Vickers (9/3), Purcell Hill (9/8), Jessie Hill (9/9), Kadijah Vick- ers (9/18), and Melinda Jeffrey (9/18).
Delores Sanders, you are wished a belated birth- day greeting, we wish you many more!
Sick And Shut-Ins
Let’s continue praying for our sick and shut-ins: Brenda Ford-Welch, Bob Anthony, Eloise Griffin, Rhonda Williams, Wayne Owens, Keith Ennis, Julius Robinson, Mary Waters, Viola Williams, Evelyn Mobley, Johnnie Mae Garner, Stanley and Ernestine Turner, Ronald “Wing-Ding” Wingfield, Barbara Sprauve, Lydia McNeal, and Freida Washington.
Prayer Requests
The following persons are asking for our prayers. Michael George is having difficulty cultivating faith. Cynthia Green-Ander- son wants us to pray for a positive outcome in her court case.
To those who recently lost a loved one, we extend our deepest sympathy to you and your family.
The funeral of the three brothers (Emjay Jackson, Romello Jackson and Re- shard Ashley), and their grandmother (Ms. Sheryl James) on Saturday, Sep- tember 12, 2015, at The Manifestation Center in Tampa, celebrated their lives and the program was top notched.
Family, friends, teachers, neighbors were brought to- gether by love during this tragedy. To the family, please seek the Lord for your comfort, guidance and strength. Extended thank you to Apostle Mark T. Jones for the use of his fa- cility. Pastor Antonio Hawkins who officiated the services, Ray Williams, who was entrusted with the Arrangements. Sol Davis Printing created unique pro- grams of memory.
Progress Village Civic Council News
Progress Village Commu- nity meeting will be held on Saturday, September 19th at 10a.m.attheP.V.Recre- ation Center, 8701 Progress Blvd., Linda Washing- ton, President.
Progress Village Panthers Football And Cheer Schedule (Home)
Saturday, 10/3, Panthers vs. Falcons (LST Field): Pee- Wee at 9 a. m., Super Midgets at 10:30 a. m., Midgets at 12 p. m. and Var- sity at 1:30 p. m.
Saturday, 10/17, Panthers vs. Giants (LSG Field): Pee- Wee at 9 a. m., Super Midgets at 10:30 a. m., Midgets at 12 p. m., and Var- sity at 1:30 p. m.
Saturday, 10/31, 1st Round Play Off, 11/21 2nd Round Play Off.
Cheerleading Competition dates: Dover - October 11, and Tampa - October 18 and November 7. (All day events!)
Meals On Wheels (MOW)
A thank you is extended to everyone who volunteered to deliver a route during the Summer! As you know, we have had heavy rains and flooding for several days at a time, over the past months. During that time, our volun- teers have been tremendous in delivering meals, despite the severe weather.
Ida Pagan, Volunteer Manager extended thank you to several group who braved the storms to deliver meals to the homebound that depend on them. Over 700 seniors and homebound receive a hot, nourishing meal during the lunch hour (Monday-Friday), that al- lows seniors to help them re- main independent in their own homes.
Special Saturday Deliver- ies will begin in October. For questions or to sign up for services call 813-238-8410.
News submitted by Lauren Vance of M.O.W.
Thank You
Also, a special thank you to everyone who contributed supplies to the Children’s Board Society’s ‘Back 2 School Drive’! Because of you 1,400 children at Mor- ton Elementary received a back pack full of supplies that they would need to thrive in the classroom at the start of the school year!
Girlfriends Pray Conference Call
Thousands of women tune in to listen and be uplifted and covered in prayer. On Fridays, the Men of God pray over the Sisters.
Call 1-712-432-0075 (Ac- cess Code: 128845#) at 7 a. m. and 10 p. m. (Monday- Friday).
Free Chess For All Ages (Males And Females)
Join Coach Ted and oth- ers at the Riverview Library on first and third Saturdays from 10 a. m. – 12 p. m., and on every second Monday at 5 p. m. If you have any ques- tions, call 813-431-5215.
Thought For Today
Some succeed because they are destined to but, most succeed because they are determined to.
F. Y. I.
Pray for Pres. Barack Obama and family, service- men and women, homeless, incarcerated and volunteers.
Call News into Gloria at 813-270-2257
Fields: LST
Sanders Turf) and LSG (Larry Sanders Grass), lo- cated at 5855 S. 78th Street, Tampa.
News provided by Coach Nicole.
Progress Village Senior’s Dance
Saturday, September 19th from 5-9 p. m., there will be a blast from the past (60s and 70s) dance for mature adults only at the Progress Village Recreation Center. There will be a fee to enter. See you there!
Progress Village Senior’s Monthly Activity Schedule
Mondays - Social time, Walk in the Park, Zumba Gold Class, Book Club and Sit-N-Be Fit.
Tuesdays - Social time, Walk in the Park, Current Events and games.
Wednesdays - Social time, Walk in the Park, Zumba Gold, Sit-N-Be Fit and end of month birthday celebra- tion.
Thursday, Social time, Walk in the Park, Line Danc- ing, Current Events and Movie Day.
Friday, Social time, Walk in the Park, Monthly brunch and other Center activities.