Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 11-17-15 Edition
P. 10
New Mt. Zion M. B. Church Celebrates 113th Anniversary
The New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church celebrated its 113th Anniversary last month and culminated with a united worship service at 10 a. m. on Sunday, Oc- tober 18, 2015. The pastor, Reverend Larry L. Roundtree, II, delivered the sermon. The anniversary theme was “Unity, the Power of One,” Ephesians 4:1-6. A part of the service was “Pastors on Parade,” a segment narrated by Barbara Wright, featuring the youth of the church portraying many of the ministers who
were pastors at New Mt. Zion.
The Senior Women’s Mission Ministry chaired this service, Beverly Footman, chairperson and Barbara Wright, co-chairperson.
Following worship, 3 men were ordained as deacons and their wives as deaconesses (Patrick and Robyn Andrews, Wesley and Jean Collins and Archie
and Patricia Williams). (Photos by Julia Jackson)
Pastor Larry L. Roundtree, II, Barbara Wright and Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn.
These Deacons are: Darrious Bryant, George Engram, Patrick Andrews, Wesley Collins, Ronald Wardlow and Archie Williams.
These Deaconess include: Linda Cook, Jean Collins, Sherryl Cusseaux (partially hidden) Carolyn Johnson, Jackie Cherry, Patricia Williams, Robyn Andrews, Gwen Miller, and Lo Berry.
New Mt. Zion’s First Lady, Sameya Roundtree participating in the song service.
Newly ordained Deacon Wesley Collins.
Alberta Jackson and in the rear, Deacon Leroy Lane.
The youth participated in “Pas- tors On Parade.” Kathy Leeks Campbell and Willie Bell repre- sented former pastor, Rev. and Mrs. Walter (Lena) Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff (Tina) Cole, Deaconess Salita Mason, and Deaconess Nell Kimbrough.
Mrs. Essie Griffith and Mayor Buckhorn.
Portraying the role of Pastor Roundtree, William Bell, right, with Anthony Hendrix, and Theron James looking on.
Jay Lee and Antonio Hendrix represented one of the former pastors.