Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 11-17-15 Edition
P. 11
Soaps/Horoscopes/Pictures From The Past
BOLD AND THE BEAU- TIFUL - Thomas wants an- swers about what he overheard Ridge say. Steffy asks Wyatt a question about his relationship with Ivy. Ivy is flustered by an unexpected kiss. Thomas stuns Steffy by proposing a daring bet involving Wyatt and Ivy. Liam looks to Bill and Katie for help with a surprise for Steffy. Thomas takes advantage of Wyatt’s absence.
DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Bo receives devastating news. Brady finds himself caught be- tween Theresa and Victor. Abi- gail gets closer to making an escape from Ben Chase is upset when he overhears Ciara trash- ing his father. A furious Mar- lena confronts Stefano about Sami’s kidnapping. After years of being kept apart, Bo and Hope finally make love!
GENERAL HOSPITAL- Elizabeth confronts Sam. Niko- las is forced to divulge the truth. Emma experiences a terrifying encounter. Carly and Sonny have a heated argument. Mor- gan lends his support to Kiki. Nina is overwhelmed by her
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Family matters need atten- tion. Fix up your place over the next few days. Paint renews at minimal expense ... change col- ors. Find a fantastic bargain on a useful tool. Repurpose stuff you already have. Someone thinks you’re pretty clever.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Communication unlocks doors over the next few days. Offer assistance, and let people know what you’re up to. Let go of how you thought it had to be. An- ticipate changes, and roll with them. Clean messes later.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Abundance can be yours, over the next few days. Discover another treasure. Work and make money. Get terms in writ- ing. Invest in home, family and real estate. Some fixing up may be required. You can clean up.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Easy does it. You don’t know your own power today and tomorrow. Prepare to launch an initiative. Everything’s possible, with the right team. You’re at- tracting attention ... smile and wave. New friends open new pos- sibilities.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Peaceful surroundings pro- vide support. You’re under pres- sure regarding deadlines for the next couple of days. Break through to a new level with an amazing development. Go fur- ther than expected. You’re gain- ing knowledge and confidence. Push past old barriers.
Aries (March 21-April 19) — Creativity flowers naturally. Romance blossoms through communication. Enjoy meaning- ful conversation. Friends are a big help today and tomorrow. Show the team your apprecia- tion. Celebrate together. Get out- side and savor a sunset or go for
new job. Paul and Ava get closer. Spinelli reconnects with an old friend and promises to help him. Lulu misinterprets an email from Valerie. Elizabeth and Sam go on a pursuit.
YOUNG AND THE REST- LESS - Nikki learns the truth about what Victor has on Elise Moxley. Stitch grabs Ashley’s arm and says, “You’re running from what’s between us because it makes you feel good. Tell me I’m wrong.” Jack arrives at the Club to meet the senator only to find that Victor got there first. Elise Moxley tells Adam, “That’s right. Your fate rests in my hands.” Nikki reacts to Elise Moxley’s confession. Ashley says to Jack and Phyllis, “I won- der who we should be watching, Victor, or you and Billy?” Nick tells Dylan, “I can’t go home.” Dylan asks, “What do you mean? To your home?” Nick says, “To Sage.” Chelsea enters Adam’s room to find Sage there. “Am I interrupting something?” Victoria is skeptical about Billy’s change of attitude. Time runs out for Adam. Hilary suf- fers a setback.
a walk.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Career opportunities show up over the next two days. Keep your eyes open. Forge ahead. Take advantage of an unexpected windfall. Learn by doing. Pay off bills before buying toys. Practice makes perfect. Refine as you go.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) — The next two days are good for travel, exploration and studies. Your friends bring out the best in you. Don’t rely on an unstable source. Use humor with a heck- ler. Disagree respectfully. Cre- ative negotiation wins big. Investigate possibilities.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
— A startling revelation awakens you. Pay attention to what’s going on. Make a decision you can live with. Think from both emotional and logical perspec- tives. Today and tomorrow are good for financial planning. Work out priorities together.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
You’re especially charming now. Someone’s noticing. Fun and passion hold your interest today and tomorrow. Try exotic new flavors without breaking the bank. Cook together. Dance in the kitchen and catch some pretty eyes.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Get into the details of your work over the next few days. Or- ganize and track who’s doing what. Changes may require adaptation. Travel could be in- cluded. Dress the part. Get ex- pert advice for the tricky parts.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —
Relax and play today and tomor- row. Enjoy time with family and friends. Practice your favorite games, arts, crafts or sports. Teach someone younger than you. Watch where you’re going to avoid accidents. Distractions abound. Putter and ramble.
Ersula Odom did a reenactment of
Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune at the nett are the proud grandmother/mother of Morgan
(L-R) Mrs. Altamese Brown and Mrs. Vanessa Ben- Bennett, the Mary E. May Ministry Scholarship recipi-
COTBHC’s 25th anniversary program.
Alicia Johnson, Amanda Johnson and Aiden Rickettes attended the WOW (Worship on Wednesday) Service at Tampa Park Performing Arts Center.
Tampa Bay Buccaneer, David Bowers (#80) plays his guitar with a gospel group during the off-season and was a guest artist at Mt. Carmel AME Men of Allen program.
Keyboardist, Markus Vance joined the On- Que Players, led by Al Chisolm at a recent gath- ering.
Attending the Faith Alive Service were: (L-R) Ushers, Betty Williams, Maressa Hawkins, Alma Kelly, Tonya Lewis, Bridget Gordon and Gail Gaylor.