Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 4-5-16 Edition
P. 11
Soaps/Horoscopes/Pictures From The Past
Bold And The Beautiful
- Liam wants answers. Wyatt and Steffy celebrate their newlywed status. Katie plays on Brooke’s guilt to keep her quiet when she catches her drinking again. Liam’s disap- pearance is discussed. Quinn’s dark side returns. Bill enlists Justin’s help to find Liam. Wyatt stumbles upon Liam at the cabin.
Days Of Our Lives -
Summer fears Maggie may be paralyzed. Kayla suggests to Steve that they go on the run to avoid his trial. Deimos is fascinated to learn more about Nicole’s past.
General Hospital- Sam and Jason pursue a theory about Hayden’s shooting. Hayden informs Nikolas that she knows what he did. Curtis offers his services to Nikolas. Nina gets disturbing news. Tracy takes a turn for the worse. Nathan makes a partial confession to Maxie. Nikolas shocks Jason and Sam. Anna pulls a fast one on Paul. Dante considers bringing in the FBI. Curtis corners Nikolas. Ava finds something disturbing
Aries (March 21-April 19) — Clarify your direction with friends. Watch for sur- prises, and slow for obstacles and turns. Allow extra time for unexpected circumstances. Travel could be more challeng- ing. Think things over.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Friends come to your rescue. Cooperation and coor- dination are required to gener- ate results today. Keep it respectful. Consider the conse- quences before speaking, espe- cially as a reaction. Listen carefully to a teacher.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Career matters hold your focus now. Take charge to complete a job. Let chaotic mo- ments blow by without auto- matic reactions. Wait patiently for the right moment. Don’t disturb a watchdog.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Investigate possibilities. Fantastical financial ideas are unlikely to pay off. Stick to re- alistic budgets, including for an upcoming vacation or trip. Avoid unnecessary frills. Prior- itize experiences over stuff.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
The gold is in the details today. Look for financial leaks and re- pair them. Review monthly fees. Are you really using those services? Trim, if not. Get clear on actual numbers.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Collaborate for efficiency and ease. Share responsibili- ties and delegate tasks. Use your imagination and finesse (rather than force). Crazy ideas could just work. Discuss strate-
left for her at home. Kristina is shocked by Alexis’ actions.
Young And The Rest- less - Dylan approaches the nurse. “Detective McAvoy, GCPD. I’d like to ask you some questions.” The nurse looks nervous. Jack barks at Billy to start taking this seri- ously. “Find Victoria. Work it out!” Victoria says to Michael, “What if I offered you half a million dollars to come back to Newman?” Victoria says, “Flowers for Newman’s fu- neral? Could you please get them out of here.” Billy replies, “Not until you hear me out.” Jack says, “The best way to calm the waters is to help them get back together.” Phyllis replies, “That’s a terri- ble idea.” Nikki tells Nick, with Sage, “You don’t know. Someone tried to kill your fa- ther.” Billy seeks forgiveness. Sage reaches a difficult deci- sion. Nikki leans on Jack. Nick questions Victor about his latest plan, which con- cerns him. Sharon opens up to Dylan. Devon discovers Hi- lary’s secret. Ashley confides in Abby.
gies, and look before leaping.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Things may not go as planned. Actions could back- fire or stall. If you can’t keep a deadline, notify your crew as soon as you know. Gentle music soothes.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Everybody wants your attention. The more you do, the more you’re in demand. Stay objective in a tense situa- tion. Avoid financial discus- sions. Take passion behind closed doors.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 21) — Your attention is required at home. Make re- pairs. Take care with sharp edges. Slow down to avoid breakage. Put in more time planning, and ensure everyone agrees before committing.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Intellectual pursuits, re- search and writing flow now. Delays in shipping and com- munications look likely. Am- plify plans with better detail. Look to the past. Rediscover ancient wisdom.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Work faster and make more money. Delegate what you can to your team. You may be tempted to spend on some- thing shiny. Can you use what you have?
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Decide who you’re growing up to be. Make changes for the better. Con- sider consequences before launching. Put aside old fears, while avoiding obvious pitfalls. Plan bold actions for later.
The Elks Lodge is becoming the site for popular card table games. Jean Holland and Maxine Davis were among those enjoying a card game.
Educators for Change, led by Assistant Superintendent Lewis Brinson, met re- cently. Among the administrators present were (L-R): Owen Young, Henry “Shake” Washington, Derrick Gaines and Travian Smith.
Hillsborough County Com- missioner and Collaborative Chair, Kevin Beckner (District 6) hosted a Violence Preven- tion Institute meeting at the Tampa Convention Center.
The collaboration was estab- lished by the Hillsborough County Commission.
Family and friends gathered recently with Nina and Josh Betancourt to help them cele- brate the coming of their daughter.
Pictured above are Josh and Nina, with some of the many gifts they received at the shower for their baby girl.